Ch.15 Truth Of Legends

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Darkness, everything was dark. The warmth from Link's hand was gone as it felt like you were floating in space. Nothing, not a living soul but yours, was in this state of darkness. Is this were demons go where they die? Forever staring into a void of darkness?

In the pit of the void a faint glimmer of light poked out and barley touched your feet. It felt warm and heavenly. Your body moved on its own as stepping on nothing and continuing forward was the only thing on your mind.

The light was coming from a floating object with three triangles were union together. Each triangle raided a different aspect. In the center of the three triangles was an upside down one that raided darkness, the same one feeling around the twilight area.

Each step you took appeared crystal clear water, and grass field coming into view as the darkness soon was replaced with clear sky, breezy wind, and running water in the distance. The triangles light glowed faintly on your hands as you reached up and touched it.

Power surged through you, enough to make you gasp and fall over, but you didn't. Blue energy traveled through your veins, making its way into your soul. The power felt warm and cold at the same time. It was wrapping it way around itself, until something made it stop.

The power was fading away. The blue power escaped your body and when into the three triangles again, only some if it stayed behind. The energy twirled around your soul and gave it a new color, green and blue mixed together as they rested in peace.

A soft voice spoke from the triangle, one that was soft and melodic.

"There was once a Goddess of Time who ruled over time and peace was perfect for the Hyrule. But, the power came along with a curse. The flow of time is a blessing, but is also a curse that will lead to madness. Every time as a different cause and effect in the time line, one that will lead to a good future and a horrible future. The Goddess is cursed to see every future, the ones that die and sob in sorrow, while the other future continue on in happiness. Both path affects the Goddess mind and power. If she chooses the right path she will be blessed and be rid of her madness. But, one time, she choose the wrong path and sent the Hero of Time to his death. Even though the Hero of Time called on the Goddess for help, it ate at her soul to have chosen the wrong path. Everything she did had to be right, but the curse was starting to take effect."

The voice paused for a second as the world began to change. The grass began to rot, the clouds and sky turning into a bloody red, and the running water was becoming louder as if a storm was coming.

"The Goddess cried for days on end. On one could cure her curse, the madness would always take place as the voices of those who die endless spoke in her mind. Greed, rage, and sorrow was all she only heard. Soon enough the Goddess didn't know what happiness or joy was, only the true pain of life and time. The three Goddess took pity on her and began to strike a deal with the Time Goddess. If she helped the failed hero his ancestor her curse would disappear and would forever rest in peace. The deal enough seemed great to the Goddess, but there was a catch. Half her powers would be taken away along with her immortality would be gone and live as a mortal along with the hero. The madness was getting to her as she accepted it. Without a mother or father, barley any of her powers, the Goddess was reborn around the same time the ancestor was and delivered to a family that was destine to take care of her."

The rotting grass and everything else stopped and froze in the time. Everything was gray and without life. The only color was your soul and its blue powers inside. The now Triforce shined and everything was beginning to turn into darkness.

In fear, you reached out and when to grab it but was too late as everything was falling around you....

It felt like your soul wasn't attached to your body, but it was as you snapped awake. Link was right next to you, his hand in yours as s\he blinked confused. Your head throbbed but you could manage, "Are you okay?"

"Y-Yes..." Link panted as his face was pale.

Of course this didn't feel right with you, but you needed to let it go. Looking over Link he maybe be the ancestor... but there was only one way to find out.

"Link let's go back to the castle wall before going to the Zora boy."

"Why? If we don't hurry he'll die!"

"I-I feel him. He has answers and I need them now..."

Link was quiet for a while but broke the silence by sighing. "As long as it's quick. He doesn't have all the time in the world."

"I know."

(y/n) P.O.V

The ride was quite, but my stomach broke out and growled. Link chuckled as I blushed from embarrassment. We haven't had eaten in a few days which would explain my lightheaded and weakness when I use my bow. "When we're done with checking up on the Zora prince I promise to get you something to eat."

I smiled. "Sounds like a plan."

The golden soul wasn't too far as I could sense him waiting for us. Link climbed on the grassy veins up, surprised to see the golden wolf there. His red eye glowed in the faint dusk as he growled and when strait towards me...

Blinking my eyes open I found myself in the same place as before with the castle. The skeleton warrior stood their silence and stared at me. The answer was clear to me as it brought a tear down my face.

Everything was my fault to what had happen to him. His bitterness towards me and helping Link was the only thing keeping from disappearing. The feeling of his bitterness was strong, but I didn't mind as he had every right to feel that way towards me.

"I'm sorry..." My voice broke from the lack of water.

"I see you finally know what you are, Goddess. Though I will not put anything against you since you are helping my ancestor with his quest. For this I will not strike you down where you are."

"I-Is their anyway I can help?"

"Help my ancestor in his quest, that's all I ask for and not him dying and turning into...this."

I wince as he motioned towards himself. The hot tears streaming down my face were coming down fast as I felt my knees buckling under their weight. "I'll do everything I can. I-I know I can't control my power fully yet... but I will find a way and help Link. The promise I have is strong enough for me to know what I should do."

The hero laughed as his voice echoed inside the helmet. "I guess you have changed. When called on for your power you still would only give me three days, three days to help the four lands next to me. The souls I rested are still with me, with their power I can help power you up."

This felt like a dream. He still hates me yet me wants to help me...? "A-Are you sure?"

"I'm certain. With the powers of swimming, the power of lifting a boulder, sensing the dead, and using the wind to ride you'll help Link and reawaken those powers you left behind. With these powers I teach Link and give towards you, the land of twilight will be no match for you."

"T-Thank you..."

"After many years of being called Link I have changed my name. I am now known as, Shade. The warrior of bones and passing old onto new."

I smiled and bowed to Shade. "I will give your death a meaning now. I promise to do everything you ask for and have Hyrule remember your name after this."

Shade nodded. If a skeleton could smile I could feel it. "Link has completed his new sword skill. It will time to return and save the Zora prince."

I nodded and waved to Shade, the area becoming brighter and brighter until I could blink. Opening my eyes I could see we were right where we were. Link shook my shoulder as I turned to him, but his face jumped back in surprise. "Were you crying?"

"N-No." I wiped the dry tears away as best I could before jumping onto Epona. "Let's go save the Zora prince."

Link was still worried about me, but knew he had a quest to do and set off into Epona to enter into Hyrule plaza.

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now