Ch.30 Song Of Time

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(y/n) P.O.V

There he was, Zant, standing there in the endless clouds around us. His armor and skin looked colorless but he seemed alive as he slowly paced himself towards me. He removed his head gear as the iris of his eyes were deadly white.

It scared me out as he kept staring at me, until he laughed and threw his back, back so his laughed could echo. "Bring me back to life he said! MY GOD LIED TO ME! I HAVEN'T COME BACK FROM THE AFTERLIFE! HAHAHA! HE MUST BE AFRAID I'LL STEAL HIS POWER!"

He continued to laugh until I spoke up. "I don't think you know this, but Ganon never keeps his promises."

At the word of Ganon his face and mouth turned into an ugly sneer, I didn't think his face could get any uglier. "DON'T. EVER. SAY. HIS. NAME! I was tricked by him... a god nerveless... I thought he would keep his promises as I did his orders, did everything his holy mouth of darkness wished upon me, but I was only greeted upon death and lies! LIES!"

"Zant... please calm down."

He suddenly teleported over to me and got near my face. His eyes bore into my very soul. "You're telling me to calm down?" He laughed so hard I thought my eardrums were going to burst. "HOW CAN I CALM DOWN?! MY REVENGE WILL NEVER HAPPEN AND WILL FOREVER LURK IN THIS ENDLESS SEEMINGLY AFTERLIFE!"

"W-Wait... you mean we're stuck here... forever?"

Zant pulled away from my face, thank the gods, and looked around with his lifeless eyes, maybe taking in the endless amount of clouds around him? "This isn't Heaven or Hell, it's the point of afterlife were you regret something so powerful it prevents you from entering either Heaven or Hell. Knowing my deeds I'm destined for Hell, but my revenge over Him is so great my soul cannot pass on."

"Can't we do something about it?"

"Hmmm... you're dead, but you are a goddess now, right? Maybe you can help me with the use of your powers to kill Him. I know you can, I could sense a great power inside you when He first brought you to the Twilight Realm. At first I was just seeing things, but you are the lost goddess that history will forever and never remember, the Goddess of Time."

Anger boil inside me as I grabbed onto his temples and used my powers to take us back to the living. "Shut up. I'm going to help you take revenge, so just shut up and use what you want to kill him."

Zant gasp in happiness, seeing Ganon had the Master Sword stuck in his abdomen. "I see Him. Now, how shall I kill him? Piercing the sword deeper? No... Oh! Maybe burning his eyeballs along with his body! No... Too long of laughing for my voice... I GOT IT!" He giggled so much it echoed around the area. "A snap of the neck. A life for a life they always say~"

Just when Zant turned his neck and unnatural way, I heard a snap along with another. Seeing in the portal Ganon eyes turned white. Zant laughed with an evil joy as his body disappeared in darkness, Hell was taking finally taking him.


Link's P.O.V

Ganon suddenly died while standing up. Zelda gasped and looked down away, I did the same but once I took out the sword his body slowly disappeared, like ashes from burned firewood. From the corner of my eyes the hilltop slowly glowed with a heavenly light.

It was the light spirits on the hill, but after they disappeared a tiny figure, almost Imp like, was on the hill. My heart speed up so wildly I took off and dashed up to the hill, only to stop in confusion.

The figure wasn't an Imp, but it seemed human like. The figure stirred to life as their clothing had Twilight markings on it. When they turned around my eyes grew wide. The hair, the face, and eyes... was this Midna? Her true form?

"What? Say something! Am I so beautiful you have no words left?"

I laughed and took in her tall height. "I guess. Also, I liked it when you were shorted than me."


The heat of the desert bore down on us three while the mirror was showing the portal of the Twilight. My heart sung a little as I remembered it felt just like yesterday when I went through it, only thinking of (y/n) and hoping she would come back to me...

"Well... I guess this is farewell, huh?" Zelda spoke up as she caught my attention. It seemed like these past few days I was daydreaming about old times... "Light and shadow can't mix, as we all know. But... never forget that there's another world bound to this one. Shadow and light are two sides of the same coin. One cannot exist without the other. I know now the reason the goddesses left the mirror of Twilight in this world. They left it because it was destiny that we would meet together. Yes... that is what I believe."

Midna looked up and smiled. "Zelda... your words are kind, and your heart is true. If all in Hyrule are like you... then maybe you'll do all right."

She turned around and went over to the mirror as steps of Twilight appeared. Minda looked at me with a kindness that I never saw before. "Thank you... Well, the princess spoke truly. As long as the mirror is around we can always meet together. Link..." A single tear shed down her face, or so I thought it was at first. "I... See you later..."

When the light landed on the mirror it begun to break it. Zelda gasped as Midna quickly stepped onto the last Twilight step and look down at me with love. "Tell (y/n) that I'll miss her."

"Midna wait! Don't break the mirror!"

She shook her head as the light enveloped her, but before she disappeared her words echoed inside both Zelda and my head. "Please, Zelda... teach Link the Song of Time. Only the will (y/n) ever appear again."

After she disappeared the mirror broke into pieces. Zelda looked serious as she look towards me. "Of course... why didn't I think of that? Link... please listen to the words of the song I'm going to sing and sing them at the spot you first met. I believe it's the only way (y/n) will ever return."


It took two days but I arrived back at the springs of the forest. It quiet and beautiful as the dawns light made the water sparkled. It was around this time when we met, so I had to do it now. The words came back to me as I sung them.

"Day to night, dark to light, fall the sands of time~ Let the years like a gear of a clock unwind~ In your mind walk through time back to better days~ Memories, like a dream, wash tears away~"

When I finished the rest of the song nothing happened. My hopes were about to disappear until a ray of blue light glowed in the water's surface. The water began to form the body of... (y/n)! She had her eyes closed, but I knew she was alive.

I didn't hold back the tears as I ran up to her and hug her close to me. My sobs woke her up as she giggled lightly. "I... thought... you... would... never cry... over me..."

I shook my head and kissed her forehead. "I lied. I needed to cry over you, because I love you so much."

Her smiled filled up my heart so much as even when she tugged on some of my hair. "Then... kiss... me... then."

Oh (y/n), I missed you so much. I kissed her and filled it with all my love for her. Time seemed to stand still around us as I cared about was giving the love she needed. All the days thinking she was and wasn't dead, all died away while I held my future wife.

~The End

Hey guys, this might be the final chapter but I have one more for you to see as it's a special chapter. Just tune in next week to read the special chapter! Also, the song doesn't belong it me it belongs to its rightful owner. Other than that, I hope you guys enjoyed this story as I'm sad and proud at the same time.

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now