Ch.20 The Silence Of Evil

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Dry spots on the land were like heaven too me. Each step of sand would either sink into my shoe or get into my eyes making them water a bit. Link was having no trouble with the sand, must be because he's tougher than iron.

But, the mostly annoying thing about this dessert were these small creatures with holes for mouths and would jump out of the sand from nowhere. One got on my shoulder and gripped it hard enough making Link have to rip it off my shoulder.

It was hurting like hell as another one latched onto me again. "Augh get it off!"

"I'm trying! Just hold still!" He locked his knees in and tugged at the creature.

I gritted my teeth in pain as the sucker finally came off. It rip a gash in my skin making my eyes sting a little from the pain. "Crap... it hurts a lot..."

"Don't worry." He got some milk out from his pouch. "Just drink some of this. I put medicine inside it."

The milk tasted bitter as he wrapped up my shoulder with some paper. Blood soaked through slowly as I hug him quickly. "Thanks."

"You're welcome." He turned his head so I couldn't see his face.

"Why are you not looking at me?"

"I'm just looking around, that's all."

I knew it was a lie but didn't press him into telling more. "Alright then... let's get going, night is going to fall soon."


The dessert never seemed to be ending as each step of the way I was getting tired. Link soon transformed into a wolf to make sure I wouldn't get attack by those creatures again which was sweet of him. The moon came up soon as out of the corner of my eye I spotted a huge object in the distance.

I grabbed Link's ear gently and made him look at the direction. "Go over there, I think that's something we need."

He barked in agreement and ran over it too. He transformed into his human form as he helped me climb up the huge ledges. By the looks of it looked to be the bridge of Eldin. Midna came out and tilted her head. "What is this thing?"

"The bridge of Eldin." Deep down I knew it was. "Let's take it back to where it was."

Midna nodded as she used her Twli powers to lift it from the ground. It shook the ground as it slowly came out of the rock. We put it back in its rightful place.

"There, now people can cross it."

"That's great and all... but we have to keep going." Midna tried not to sound rude, but failed.

I didn't hold it back for her and held onto Link as we came back to the dessert. Cold air blasted into me as I shivered. "You know... for a dessert it's pretty cold."

"Here," Link handed me a small cloak. "Put this on it should help."

A small smile spread across my face as I wrapped it around me. "You know, you just go out of your way to help me."

"I-I do?"

"Yeah... Thanks for taking care of me."

"Y-You're welcome..." Link whispered softly, something I've never seen him do before.

"Are you okay?" I questioned, feeling worried about his health.

"I'm fine alright? Let's just get going, I don't want to sleep in this hell hole."


In the distance tall wooden station looked out could be seen along with a small campfire in the distance. Link and I bend down so we couldn't be seen. "I'll take the two of them out."

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now