Ch.14 Drought Of Time

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(y/n) P.O.V

At first I thought it was clear ground and we would be splattered to death, but to my late surprise we landed in clear water. I didn't take a breath of air and got a lungful of water. Link helped by letting me pull myself up by his hind leg.

I coughed up a lot of water as Link paddle me to shore. Midna came out and looked at me with a worried look. "Are you alright?" I stared at her in surprise. It was the second time Midna was concerned about me. Maybe I died in that water and was dreaming of her being nice? She growled at me, "I asked you a question!"

"Y-Yeah... I'll be fine..."

Standing up was the hardest part of all as my leg shook from lack of oxygen. The ground was hazy and looked really far away when it was only two feet away from me. After making sure I was ready to roll I took a step forward and didn't fall over. I soon noticed the spirits in front of us to find it was a fish of some kind.

They wore huge fish masks over their faces along with giant fish spears too pull of their fish like body. They looked to be warrior Zora's out on a mission. One was away from the other two, pondering in his thoughts. Even though I was just a few feet away I could hear his whispers.

"The drop in water has been faster than predicted... At this rate, Lake Hylia will dry up. It's a race against time..."

Midna turned to me with a smirk, an evil one. "You heard him. You can probably help with the lake."

I looked at her confused. "What are you talking about? I can see into the future, but not change it."

"Just try it! Focus on the lake and try changing it."

"..... Okay."

I watched as the small lake that use to be huge in its small barrier. Walking along the dry sand I felt that area use to be home of fish eggs, but they died soon after the lake dried up. The mother's sadness, it was powerful as the other spirits in this lake that died along with the drought. Tears came from my eyes as I knew they weren't mine, but the lakes spirit.

Suddenly deep inside blue energy wavered around me as the lake started growing water back. I couldn't breathe right. Taking huge pants were making me very tired as I by the time the water came it reached my knees.

I heard the Zora's surprised at the sudden water flow from the lake. Next thing I knew I watched as I face planted into the water....


A bright light filled my body as life spread through my body. My legs were working against as I was able to open my eyes. We were in a cave with running water as other Zora, some half lifeless, were sitting around the running water. Link barked happily and nuzzled my face. I giggled until I looked up to see a big spirits looking to be a Zora, only more royally dressed than the other three I saw.

"I see my magic helped. You helped reverse time get the fresher springs to mix in with the current streams. As long as the fresh spring stays their people will be able to live longer."

"Thank you... Zora queen I'm guessing?"

"You both can just call me Rutela. That boy you saw back in Hyrule he is my son, Ralis. I ask of you to go save my son. I would do it myself, but I don't have any life inside to rescue him. If you do this I will give you the protection of water. It will give you the ability to breath under water and swim with ease as a Zora would. Please... save my son..."

"Don't worry we will."

The dead Zora smiled as she disappeared. Looking around the thorn room it looked to see she was right. If we didn't hurry this Zora's would die within the twelve hours. Link barked to get my attention as I smiled and ruffled his furry head. "Let's go buddy."

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now