Ch.3 New danger

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You soon remember Epona and ran back to get her and ride her into Faron Woods. The air around the woods seemed darker than usual... it was always a dangerous forest, but never this dark and eerie before. Epona stopped right by the cave entrance to the forest. She was uneasy and kept backing up.

"It's okay Epona. I won't make you go in there if you don't want too." You said to her while getting off.

"(y/n)!" Link called out as he came back with a lantern in his hand, "What are you doing?!"

"I'm going to help you find Talo. It's dangerous to go alone, Link."

"I don't care! Go back to the village where it's safe!"

"No!" You stomp your foot on the ground.

Link sighed as he knew when you had made up your mind, and it was a pain in the butt for him with the things you make him go through sometimes. "Fine, but stay behind me and don't go far ahead."

"Yay!" You yelled happily as Epona wined in agreement.

Link rolled his eyes at both you two as he lighted up the lantern as you followed behind him. It wasn't too far in the cave when you spotted Talo's wooden play sword. You grabbed it and gasped. "He really did go inside the woods! That boy is an idiot!"

"Let's just hope he didn't get killed so far." Link said as he continued down the path way.

Link took out the monster in the cave as you backed away in fear while Link took care of them. These monster were ugly and huge, bigger than what you were told. If you only had a sword that could hurt the monster you would have helped Link, but Talo's wooden play sword didn't have a sharp edge.

Light burst through the cave as both Link and you dashed for it. You blinked at the brightness of the area of the woods. The trees long branches covered the blue sky, giving the forest a misty light in the late afternoon day.

Link tensed up as he spotted sometime ugly looking, a purple monster that was holding a club over it's shoulder. "Stay back and let me deal with these monsters. I don't want you to get hurt with those big clubs."

"A-Alright..." You said and hid behind the tree nearest to them.

Just as Link killed off the monster a stabbing feeling made you gasp in pain. You looked around and saw no one there who had done it. Pain and fear was welling up inside you, eating away your soul as tears started to form at the edge of your eyes.

The pain soon when away as Link came up to you, it was as if his aura help keep the weird sensation away. "Come on let's go."

You nodded and made sure to keep close enough to Link while he took out the other monsters around the area. Real light came into view as it was bright and sunny. In the middle of the area was a humongous tree, and in the distance a cage with an animal and small person was inside...

"Link! I think that's them over there!" You pointed out in the distance as Link looked closely at the spot and the look of relief took over.

"We found them. Come on!"

You both ran up the long twisting root bridge the tree linked it's self too as you when up to the cage while Link took care of the monster.

"(y/n)! Link! You both came to save us!" Talo said with shining eyes.

"Yep! Now hold still while I break this cage!" You said while kicking at the thing.

It wasn't working until Link came over and mashed the cage open. The girl monkey clapped in happiness as she took off into the trees. You bent down over Talo while you checked him for injuries. "Are you alright?"

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now