Ch.18 Master Sword

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Midna teleported us outside of the castle. I looked back and saw the castle wasn't in twilight anymore, but I wonder if anyone would have noticed anything different in the castle now that... Zelda was gone. A shiver went down my spine as I turned back.

Midna was silence on the ride as I cleared my throat, making her jump slightly. "Are you any better, Midna?"

She looked out ahead of the road. "I'm fine."

"Are you sure? If you need anyone-"

"I said I'm fine. Drop it before I kick you off of Link."


Suddenly a sharp sound echoed in the air as Link stopped as I looked behind to see the castle was back in twilight. Strange patterns were all over the twilight barrier as no one in the plaza was screaming about it, maybe no one could see the twilight around their beautiful castle.

"Why him..." Midna growled under her breath, "Zant will pay for this!"

I nodded and touched her fisted hand. "We promise to help you take him down, together."

Her red eye softened. "But I can take him down myself."

I shook my head and twined are hands together. "If we do it together Zant will be surprised and outnumbered. Please Midna, let us help you defeat Zant. I want to destroy him as badly as you do. He's the reason Link is cursed and I won't let that slide by me."

After a moments pass Midna smiled came back onto her face. I missed it so much I smiled just as big as she did. "Thanks (y/n). Let's hurry, we need to get the Master Sword. I want to give Zelda sacrifice a meaning now that her people are missing her. I swore to myself that I will help her kingdom along with mine."

A strong pride burned inside me. "I understand you, Midna. Go Link!"

Link barked and took off as Midna held onto me. I could feel her passion burning inside her along with mine to return peace to not only Hyrule, but to the twilight kingdom, and to Shade.


The smell, the air, the feeling of woods felt at home with me as we entered back into are home. A small tug hit me as I wanted to see how everyone was doing back at the village, but we had a quest to finish.

A monkey scream could be heart as Link reacted first and ran towards it. I held onto Link tightly as he took the sharp turns and edges in the woods. I noticed after each dungeon Link was either stronger or faster, maybe both. Maybe I was getting the same treatment... but it was so hard to tell...

Link growled suddenly and attacked the strange puppet hanging from a string that were being held nothing in the air. I would have taken out my bow, but Link took care of them so quickly I blinked. "It's over?"

The monkey girl stopped shaking and looked up at me. "Did... did you save me?"

I jumped, I could hear the monkey's voice! To not cause her another scare I tried my best to not freak out. "Y-Yes! Are you alright?"

"Yes! Th-thank you! Listen, since you're so nice, let me tell you something about these woods. On the other side of that cliff is a really dense forest area that will mess with your head! I went to go check it out, but then those guys attacked me! I wonder if their protecting something inside there."

"We'll check it out Miss Monkey. Come on Link."

Link barked as I sat down on his back. When he got to the edge of the ledge the wind picked up, I sensed there was nasty weather back there. Midna came out and motioned for Link. "Come on! I'll help guide you too the area. Hold on (y/n)!"

Goddess Of Time [Link X Reader] COMPLETEDWhere stories live. Discover now