Chapter 2: The Trip

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Your pov

On the plane I sat next to the nicest guy he was kind of cute. He had dark brown hair that matched his dark brown eyes and his smile just lighten up the whole atmosphere. "Is there a reason you are staring at me i know if you can't help it because I am quite beautiful." he said smirking "I -I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare oh my gosh this is embarrassing." I whispered the last part to hope he didn't hear but he did, dang. "Ah it's not that embarrassing, what's your name?" "Oh my name is Minah, Choi Minah yours?". "Mine is J-Hope." Well his name fits him well. "Minah" I turn to look at him "Thats a really pretty name and your really pretty too" I felt my cheeks get hot with embarrassment I tried to get them to go away and not make it obvious but then I start to hear chucking beside me. I look over to see J-hope laughing at my burning cheeks I shot him a death glare. I decided to ignore him and pull out my Ipod and turn on my music. Soon I felt myself falling asleep.

I woke up to something covering my body. it was a jacket did i bring a jacket I though I just had a hoodie? I see J-Hope looking around until our eyes met. "You started shivering so I gave you my jacket." "Thank you." I said. He gave me the sweetest smile that made my heart flutter. I look at J-Hope again to see him talking to another boy with brown hair and cute teeth that remind me of a bunny. I'm going to name him Bunny teeth for now. I see Bunny teeth talking to J-Hope and pointing  at me. Was he talking about me? "I'm sorry but is there a  problem" "Um no I'm sorry I was just wondering why J-Hope hyung jacket was on you" Why am I so rude. Minah we are trying to make friends GET IT TOGETHER! "Oh sorry for getting rude." I turned to give J-Hope to  give him his jacket back. "Here  thanks  for letting me borrow  this" "No  problem,  this is my friend Jungkook,  Jungkook  this is Minah my new friend" I  looked a J-Hope surprised  he just called me his friend i felt  my cheeks get warm. Ah I just got called his friend. Why is he making my heart fluttering. STOP MAKING ME FALL FOR YOU J-HOPE WITH YOUR CUTE SMILE! "Hello Jungkook I hope we can become friends" i said while giving him a warm smile. "Its nice to meet you Minah were are going to friend I know it!" Jungkook said showing his bunny teeth. So is this plane just filled with cute men?  "Minah" i look  up at J-Hope in question "Why are coming to Korea" "I'm coming to become a Kpop star. I already  know a lot of Korean my mom  is Korean. This is my first time in the country and I could use a little help. Do you think you could show me where this is when we land?" Please say yes.  I said and handed him a paper with the address of my apartment. "Oh you can just follow us. We live in the same place." Wait am I hearing this right. I live in the same place as these hot guys. Today must be my lucky day. "Really" I started getting excited "I won't be alone after all. Thank you, thank you, thank you" I turned and gave J-Hope a bone crushing hug and I turned to give Jungkook a hug too. They both looked at surprised. "I'm sorry I just got a little excited." "Its alright I like hugs!" J-Hope said and gave me a hug. Ahh he hugged me. Is this a joke? Where's the cameras? My cheeks started getting warm again. 

"Dear passengers we will be arriving in Seoul momentarily. Please fasten your seatbelts and get ready for landing. Thank you for flying with us today"

I looked at J-Hope and saw him smiling back at me "Are you ready Minah" 

"As ready as I'll ever be"  J-Hope took my hand and held it and gave it a squeeze. I thought I was going to die at that moment. I though I saw my soul leave my body but J-Hope hand kept me there.        


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