Chapter 5: Karaoke Time

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Jimin pov

It's been a while since we had this much fun. We haven't been to karaoke in a while either. How could this girl give us so much joy in just two days. She has a smile like no other. They way she looked in the morning hair all messy, eyes not even open. I've never met anyone like her. "Are you coming" she asked giving me her signature smile and hand. I guess I didn't noticed I stopped running. Jungkook must have left her. "Yeah let's go" I took her hand and smiled. We ran to catch up with everyone.

We were the last ones to arrive but we talked the whole time. "Lets go inside and PARTY!" Rap Monster said walking in. Everyone yelled in agreement.

"I wanna go first" jungkook yelled. "Wait I wanted to go first" I whined. Jungkook always gets to go first. "Hyung please" he whined. He's not going to give up. "Fine go first" I just let him go. Sometimes I'm too nice.

Your pov

Jungkook sang Haru Haru by BIGBANG. His voice sounded angelic. Plus he rapped everything perfectly. Jimin sang I Need a Girl by Taeyang. He wasn't too confident in his rapping so, Rap Monster helped him out. His voice hit every note right on key. Every time he sang the course he looked in my direction. Especially when he sang

"Girl like you gotta make you mine 

"Imma treat you right baby"

My heart was thumping so fast. I could hear it. I thought the people in the next room could hear it.

"Stop trying to flirt Jimin we all know she likes me" J-Hope said while doing body waves. Jin slapped the back of his head. "Hyung what was that for" J-Hope said rubbing where Jin had hit him. "I was trying to knock some sense into you" I laughed so hard after that remark. Everyone got quiet and I was just laughing by myself. I stopped laughing and looked around. Then we all just broke the silence and filled it with laughter. "Minah" Jungkook gave me a sweet smile. "It's your turn" oh no. "I'm sorry guys but I really don't sing." I am terrible at singing. "Please we'll sing with you" Jimin whined. Ah how can I say no. He's going to sing with me. 

Jimin pov

We sang Love Day by Yoseob and Eunji.(The song is pretty cute if you look up the lyrics) we got a 94

She said she was terrible at singing but she sounded so pretty. Our voices matched each other's perfectly. Our harmonies were on pitch every time. I wish we could sing together everyday. I don't know why she doubted herself. I purposely chose this song. I wanted to hint to her i had feelings for her. I wonder if she could tell when I sang I Need a Girl. Hopefully she got the message

Your pov

"You guys sounded amazing" Jin said staring in awe. "Can't sing my butt" J-Hope sounded annoyed.   I really don't believe them. "You sounded beautiful, may I do a duet with you" Suga asked. He sounded sincere. "sure should we do a song with a rap" I know suga can't sing very well. "Yea let's do that"he gave me a smile that warmed my heart.

We sang 3 Things I Want to Give to You by Crucial Star and Sojin.(this song is also cute) we got a 82

I felt a little words he was talking about me. I think he chose this song for a reason. Now that I'm thinking about it. The song Jimin picked was a love song too. I really like them both. Are they implying something? Nope im just in my head.

"Whaa the deepness in hyungs voice and with Minah voice. Made it so much better" Jungkook said clapping loudly. "Thanks I think we sounded good. You agree suga" "Yea we sounded amazing we have to sing together more" Suga gave me a smile and a small wink. That wink made my heart rate go up.

After singing with Jimin and Suga. Everyone wanted to sing duets with me. Thankfully RapMon came and interrupted us. "Last song guys" "Awww" we said in unison. I really don't wanna go yet. "Guys I got the perfect song. Lets do lollipop by BIGBANG and 2ne1." I asked. It's a really good songs to leave on. We all agreed on it. 

It was so fun. J-Hope and Jimin were wearing and afro wigs while shaking their butts in the corner. Suga and V were actually singing and rapping with me. Jin was just watching us look like idiots. Jungkook was all over the place moving, singing dancing everytime I turned around he was gone. Rap Monster was dancing like a fool and accidentally hit J-Hope making him hit Jimin. Which turned into Jimin hitting Jungkook while he was in motion. Jungkook grabbed my wrist as he was falling. I grabbed Suga hand but i missed and grabbed his ankle instead. He lost balanced and hit V. We all ended up on the floor with Jin shaking his head at us.  We busted out in laughter. My stomach hurts so bad from laughing. We got up and Jin slapped RapMon on the back of the head. "You pabo thanks to your clumsiness everyone got hurt." Jin scolded. We laughed and exit the karaoke bar. That was so fun. Tonight will be in my memories forever.

Jimin asked if I could walk with him and of course I said yes. We talked about how good  we sounded together. "Minah could I ask you a question" he looked nervous. Aww he looks even cuter when nervous. "Sure go ahead" I looked him in the eyes waiting. His eyes are really beautiful. He opened his mouth but my phone went off. "Sorry give me a min" why now! He was going to ask me an important question.

(Ring ring ring) 

It was eomma 

"Hi eomma, how is everything"

"Everything is fine Minah, how are you"

"I'm good, I already made 7 friends"

"What! 7 that's a new thing. Are they nice and friendly"

"Ne, we are actually walking back from karaoke. They're a bunch of dorks but they've already became my korean brothers"

"Wait they're males. Minah don't fall for them too easy. Just stay protected and take care of yourself I love you and I have to go, Bye" 


My eomma is crazy but she looks out for me. No one can replace her.

"So Jimin what were you saying" I turned and looked him in the eyes again. "Did you like the song I sang" he looked at me. Hell yeah that's my anthem except replace girl with boy. "Yes it's of my favorites. I used to daydream that when  guy asked me out it would be with that song with like a flash mob. I know that'll never happen." I always liked guys but they never liked me back. I'm not the prettiest girl. I'm flat as a cutting board. I was just never liked. "I met this girl recently and I was really hoping that she would find out I liked her if I sang that song. When I first met her, i immediately felt something in my heart.(I don't recall asking for his love life but I'll listen.) Whenever she would talk to me my heart would flutter. This girl is lucky. His eyes started filling with sadness. "But I don't think she knows my feelings" I felt bad for the kid. "Some girls are idiots so you have to tell them how you feel or they won't ever know." He looked  at me and gave me a smile. "Ok that will work. By the way I wanted to ask you if I could have your number" he wants my number? "Sure here" we exchanged numbers and, continued walking completely oblivious to the one who was watching them the whole time.

When I got home sleep hit me in the face. I took off my shoes. Left my makeup on took off my shirt and pants and laid in bed half naked or mostly naked. I was about to sleep when my phone went off.


I thought it was Jimin I got so happy but boy was I wrong.

Unknown: Hey you miss me. Why did you leave oppa? I'll need to punish you when I see you. Oh and your friends don't get close to them or else. <3

I started sweating and hyperventilating. I got lightheaded. This can't happen now, not again. 

"You will pay"

Who was watching them? Who texted Minah???

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