Chapter 18: So Cute!!

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"What are you doing here"

He smiled "I came to surprise you" he wrapped an arm around me. "And give you some food let's eat" What about Jungkook oppa? I won't worry too much.

I've had Korean food but not a lot. Bam bam gave new breaded pork cutlet, jajangmyeon, tteokbokki, and of course beef, and side dishes.

I ate deliciously. Man I haven't been eating a lot. I saw jungkook and was about to leave to talk to him when bam grabbed my arm. "Hey what is it?" I looked back at Kookie and he was coming towards us. I looked at back to Bam and he looked a little nervous. "Go out on a date with me Minah" I just got asked to a date. The last time I did that the guy broke my heart. "Um Is it like a date "date" or a friends date?" He laughed "It's all up to you Minah. I prefer the not friends date" he wiggled his eyebrows. Should I go with him? "What time are you picking me up. I have to get ready" he smiled really hard and jumped up and down. "Er I'll pick you up tomorrow around seven-ish. Here?" I nodded and he left.

"What is he excited about" jungkook looked at Bam Bam laughing as he was walking away while bouncing. "Oh I'm going on a date with him" his smile fell for a split second then showed a fake one. Is he upset? "So when is your date" he looked uninterested. "Tomorrow night at seven. My break is over, let's hang tonight if your free ok?" He nodded and I ran back to the rest of the group.

For the rest of the day I was smiling and was happy. I just wondered what we are going to do for our date.

"Minah" I was shaken out of my thoughts by Ashley. She looked happy. What did I just miss? "We are going to a duet with Bangtan" she was jumping and squealing.

We walked into the room with Bangtan. This will be sooo much fun! "Alright song writers together, everyone else pair up." Rapmon and Suga left with T and Nani. Jiyeon was with Jin and Tae. Ashley and I were left with the dance line.

"Alright let's see what you girls can do" he made the girls part sound bad. "Lets show him what girls can do Ashley." Hopie snickered behind us. We just asked for Be With You by Aziatix. We decided to use or hips for a while. Their choreographer laughed at us at first. I looked at Ashley and we nodded. Once Flowsik verse came in we dance for real. After we mirrored each other's dance moves. Ashley had a freestyle. I swear Hopie looked like he was instantly in love. Finally it was my turn and I was loving the beat. Ashley and I finished and killed that dance.

What now choreographer!! The dude nodded and left quietly. "Nice job Ashley and Mini. You showed him!'' Kookie and Hopie clapped. "Thanks guys. Now that we showed you our talent it's your turn" I motion for them to dance. Ashley nudged me in the shoulder and glanced towards Hope. I think she was asking if he was free. I gave a thumbs up. She jumped a little. Goodness this girl.

Their dance was pretty awesome. I think Ashley almost died when Hopie started freestyle. They played a song and we danced together. Jimin danced with Jungkook and I. We decided to leave the lovebirds alone. We played a game to decided who had the funniest dance... Hopie won. Five seconds into his dancing we died of laughter.

"You guys will be in charge of the choreography. Please don't make it to difficult" "Ok"

We decided to make dance moves to a basic beat since we didn't know what our song was. Everyone went home around 2 am.

I was about to walk into my apartment but Jimin stopped me. "What do you need" "Um I saw your dance practice" he saw it!!! "What did you think" "it was good. Are you over everything that happen between us?" What is he doing? "Um yea I'm good. I have a date today later" this is making me feel awkward. He looked at the ground. "....... I'm too late.. Can we be cool like before?" He mumbled but I heard the "too late" part. "Yea let's be cool. I'm tired so I'll see you tomorrow."

Well I've never felt so weird in my life.

Jungkook, Jimin and I had to do vocals the next day. We left Hope and Ashley alone an nobody sees any bad in it. I don't think dancing is the only thing that's happening in that room.

I did nothing in there, it was way more fun dancing. "Jiyeon wanna sing Twinkle" she smiled REALLY hard. I got to be Tiffany, because she is a way better singer than me. We just shared Seohyun's part. They decided to sing Lies and gave Jungkook all of the raps.

I looked at the time it's SIX FORTY-FIVE!! I jumped up and grabbed my bag. "Um if Bam Bam comes looking for me, tell him I'm getting ready" and with that I ran out of the room.

I put on my little bit of makeup, tried to style my hair but I was failing. I just let my hair down, nothing was working. My idea of dressing up is a pair of blue jean shorts, a nice shirt and CONVERSE!

Jungkook pov.

We had nothing to do so we spied on Minah date. I know it's bad but if he's going to date my best friend I have to make sure he's a good candidate. Why are you going out with him and not me? "Jungkook let's go" we ran out of the building and followed them to the Amusement park? Man Mini never dresses up does she? The shorts she is wearing her butt I can- jungkook stop thinking dirty. "Um Kookie you alright there?" Jin looked at me. "Yea I'm fine let's go."

3rd pov

The first ride Bam Bam took Minah on was a roller coaster. she cried and screamed so much. She couldn't stand heights. She never been on a roller coaster and never will again. Instead of going on rides they played games.


"Jin stop moving we can't see past you." "Jimin if you can't see because of your shortness move to the front." Jungkook said. "Guys shudup. She is talking to Bam Bam" Jiyeon said to the ones that were talking.

Back to the date

"I'm going to win something for you" Bam said to Minah. "Yea Okay. I want.... the PANDA BEAR!! She yelled at the sight of the panda. After five tries Bam Bam couldn't get the Panda for Minah. "Here let me try" she paid the worked and made it in one shot.

Back to the loners

"Guys did Minah just win the game Bam Bam was trying to win." Tae said while laughing. "Yes she did. Man this guy is weak" jungkook said very loud.

The date

Minah turned in the direction of the rest thinking she heard a familiar voice. "Bam I think I just heard Kookie oppa" she started walking in the direction of Jungkook. She was almost there and could see a face. "Minah" she averted her attention away from her curiosity back to Bam.

The loners

"Jungkook we almost died because of you. Minah is not a force to mess with." Jiyeon walked up to the clueless Jungkook and smacked the back of his head and everyone else followed suit. Jungkooks poor head was now hurting.

The dAte

Minah and Bam Bam walked together towards the Ferris wheel. "Bam I can't go on that thing it's way too high" Minah looked at the Ferris wheel and got scared. "Minah if anything happens. I'll be there for you, so don't worry" they looked into each other's eyes, studying each other. "Alright let's go"

The loners

"I'm tired of seeing them. All of their cuteness is wanting to make me puke. I'm leaving" jungkook said. But he was secretly jealous. Ever one else left with him.

Jungkook had trouble sleeping that night because of Minah.

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