Chapter 17: Let's Not Fall in Love

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"Maybe Bam Bam Maybe" he giggled at me and we made eye contact and blushed at each other. We are not doing it again. No matter what you say heart. We finished and I kinda wanted something sweet. "Bam Bam can we get sweets." His face brighten and nodded. "Well what do you want sweet, cake, ice cream, milkshakes. Oh let's go back to my place and make homemade sundaes as my way to repay you." I smiled at him. It's the least I can do after everything he did for me. "But first we have to get ingredients so let's go shopping"

I was picking up items like milk, ice cream, just in case it doesn't turn out right. chocolate syrup, peanuts(you have to have some peanuts on a sundae), rock salt, ice, sugar, and vanilla extract. "Bam do you want anything. Before I pay." He just smiled. I looked into my basket to make sure I had everything and noticed I had extra stuff. I looked back at him and we laughed. He has a cute laugh. "Alright I'm paying" I was checking out and was about to hand her my card when she told me it was already paid for. Bam Bam must have done this. Man he is so nice. It was getting pretty late but maybe Jungkookie can come with us too. I texted him and told him about our sundae and he said he would come. Yaaay

I told Bam we have to wait on someone before we started making them. We decided to watch Running Man. We we're laughing at the feud between Tiger and Grasshopper. When the door opened and showed a happy Kookie until he saw Bam Bam then his smile fell. "Why is he here" I got up and punched him in the arm. Why is he being rude? "Ow why did you hit me." I got angry "Because you are being mean to my new friend. Now apologize." I tapped my foot. Why is he getting so angry at me for hanging out with Bam? Is he jealous? Nahh I'm just over thinking. He looked away from bam bam. "Jeon Jungkook if you do not apologize in this instant. I will not talk to you for a week. He groaned loudly "I'm sorry" he had no emotions in his face. That's the best I'm going to get. Now that everyone is here let's make some sundaes.

I gave them a gallon bag and a quart, we put all the ice cream ingredients into the quart. Then we put the ice and rock salt into the gallon bag. I decided to have fun by turning on music. I was dancing and shaking circles around them. "Come on Kookie" we started dancing together and then I added Bam into the mix.

After about seven minutes of dancing and shaking our ice cream was ready. "Ok we shall eat this on 3. 1-2-3." We all put the spoon into our mouth and made a face. "SALTY!!!!"

We decided to quit the homemade ice cream and just eat the one we bought. We sat down and watched movies. I looked over at Bam and he had ice cream all over his chin and cheeks. "Aw Bam why is the ice cream all over your face." I got a napkin wiped his face. Man he really doesn't know how to eat. I looked at his face and noticed how close we were. We blushed at the same time. He looked at me then glanced at my lips then back to my eyes. I did the same to him. I think I'm starting to fall for Bam Bam. We got closer and lean- "AHEM" Jungkook coughed but I knew it was fake. I moved away from bam bam and glared at Jungkook. I'm kinda glad he stopped it. I don't need to fall in love again.

Bam Bam left after the movie. Jungkook and I went to my bed to talk. I punched him and laid down. "Thank you Kookie oppa. Good night" I kissed his forehead and turned my body away from him to sleep.

"Mini are you sleep" why is he always talking when I'm about to sleep agh. "I take that as a yes" he sighed. "Today I saw my best friend hanging out with another guy. I think I might've gotten a little jealous." I felt the bed moving. "I saw you were about to kiss him and I had to stop you. I think it might be because I love you. The first day I saw you, I wanted to get to know you right away. Now that I gotten to know you I started falling for you. I tried to get rid of my feelings like when you call me oppa. Ugh am I a coward for confessing to you while you're asleep." I wanted to say yes. Jungkook likes me? Do I like him back? My heart pumps faster around him but also with Bam Bam. Ugh why is it so hard to love someone? "One day I will confess while you're awake until then good night" he kissed my forehead.

I woke up alone and got ready for training. Today they allowed me to make a dance practice. I'm so excited I didn't tell Kookie oppa so he could be surprised. I decided to do the song Like a Boy by Ciara.

I stretched and practice a little before I started. My dance was a hip hop dance. It was one of my favorite song in America. The members sat and watched out of the way of the camera. By the end I was breathing hard.

I couldn't wait until Bam or Kookie watched it. Man I hope they'll like it. I thought about last night. Does Kookie really like me out of all people?

We have been working on singing for a while. I was on break and decided to walk around the company. I saw Jimin with a girl. I smiled, I'm glad he is doing well. He stopped and looked at me. "Hey Minah" I waved at him. "Hey have you seen Kookie oppa" he pointed to the studio.

"Hey Minah" I was heading there until I heard Bam Bam?

"What are you doing here"

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