Chapter 7: You Did What!?

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Minah pov

I woke up on Jimin's shoulder. He looks so cute while he was sleeping. I look over to see Yoongi missing. I wonder where he went? I should probably go home. I was about to leave we when someone grabbed my wrist. "You should at least stay for breakfast" Jin said with a smile.

He woke up the rest of them and we sat and are breakfast. We had kimibap(did I spell that right). OMG it was delicious. I think he cooks better that Eomma but let's keep that to ourselves. I thanked him for the meal and went home.

I got home to take a shower. After I got done someone knocked on the door

Knock knock

Oh a visitor. I wonder who it is? Through the little peephole it was J-Hope. Hm what did he need. I opened the door and let him in. "Um Minah did you forget something" he looked me up and down. I looked down also and I was just in a sports bra and panties. "Ahhhh I'm so sorry just sit and I'll be out in a second." I've never been so embarrassed in my life. Goodness Minah you're so forgetful. I walked back in the living room fully dressed. I had on a tank top and leggings with Jordans. "So what did you need?" He looked up from his phone. This dude is always on his phone. "Oh I'm taking the first shift so are you going anywhere?" "Today is my free day so I was going to dance then go get some bubble tea" I love chocolate bubble tea. "Do you mind if I watch you dance I'm a dancer so maybe I can help you." Oo this should be fun. "Yea I don't mind but I dance to American music if you don't mind" he nodded and I plugged in my iPod to my speaker. "Do you mind if I record I like to watch them to correct my mistakes" he shook his head. I hope I'm not the only person who does that.

To warm us up I put on Work it by Missy Elliott. (That songs has an awesome beat) J-Hope started popping. He wasn't kidding when he said he was a dancer. Damn that man could move. I just started dancing to the music. J-Hope was looking at me and I think we read each other's mind soon we were doing to same moves. I started laughing after the song ended. The song I was working on was Promiscuous by Nelly and Timberland.

After 4 hours of hard core practice we turned it into a duet. I could still make it a solo too. Yes J-Hope is my partner. I've had partners in the past and none of them were this good.

We walked to the cafe to get some bubble tea. I was practically jumping like a little kid for bubble tea. J-Hope looked at me and started laughing "are you that happy for bubble tea?" I nodded super hard. J-Hope ordered while I chose a window seat. He took my bubble tea to me and we talked. "I think you will be a trainee with ease. You have the moves and Jimin said you have a voice. You're a total package. Can you rap?" Rapping has always been easy for me. In English in Korean I can't do it as fast. "I can rap but only in English. Rapping in Korean is a little difficult." I looked down. "No worries you will get a rapping class with Namjoon, Yoongi and of course Me." He is full of himself. "Can we head back now I'm kinda tired" I'm ready to leave. All that dancing ate my energy. "Yea let's go"

We get back and i really had to use the restroom. "J-Hope just meet me upstairs I gotta use the restroom" he looked at me then left. I couldn't hold it I had to use the lobby restroom. I finished and sweet sweet relief. I was walking out and I got pinned to a wall. (Bold means English)

I told you not to get to close. Don't you love me? I gave my heart to you. He kissed me and I tried to push him away but he was way to strong. You're not going to run away this time Minah. Someone please help me. He pushed me back into the bathroom and tried to force himself on me. Get away from me I don't like you. I tried to run away but, he wouldn't let me go. I started crying. Somebody please help!

Suga pov

Hobi walked in with a huge smile. "Where have you been smiley?" His smile got bigger. "I was dancing with Minah and we went out for bubble tea." Did I hear that right he went out with Minah. Was it a date? Nah I'll keep my cool. "So where is she now?" I looked around the apartment for her. "She at the lobby using the restroom she really had to go." What. Did. He. Say. "YOU LEFT HER ALONE. IN THE LOBBY!" I was angry. We can't leave her alone. No. "Well yea she told me to leave her and wait upstairs" Jimin walked in and looked at us. "What happened"Jimin looked confused. Hobi said "I let Minah use the restroom in the lobby alone" he sounded so chill about it. It just boiled my blood. Jimin looked at Hobi for a moment then ran out the door. I took off as fast as my feet could take me. Jimin I will beat you at all cost. I couldn't risk the elevator breaking down so I took the stairs. Jimin thought the same way I did.

We finally made it to the lobby and I looked around frantically. Minah please be ok. "The women's restroom, GO!" We ran to the restroom. The door was locked.

Please Minah be ok. Jimin and I ran to the desk to get the keys. "Miss can we have the keys to the women's restroom please." Jimin asked "Um sir we can't give you the keys that's disgusting, pervert" ugh she doesn't get it. "Lady my girlfriend is in there and she can't get out she's scared please just give me the damn keys!" I said. She looked scared and reached behind a desk to get the keys. "I'm sorry sir here."

I took them and ran I opened the door and found Minah shirt off and her leggings down on the ground. It hurt my heart to see her crying she had red marks on her face from being slapped. Jimin instantly went for Minah. I went after Dalton. I pushed him away from Minah and punched him in the face. You away from Minah! She no like you! I punched him repeatedly. Soon everyone was here. Namjoon had to pull me off of him and then Jin had to hold me back. I hate men who push themselves upon women. "Let me go" I looked at Namjoon and Jin. They released me and I stood there.

I saw Minah kiss Jimin on the cheek.

Minah pov

Someone help me. He started taking off my shirt. Stop it I don't like you and never will! He got super angry. I will have you. Those guys will never love you like I will. He pulled down my leggings to the ground. I tried to stop him but i couldn't. I heard the door handle jiggle. Hel- my mouth was covered by his filthy hand. Please someone get me out of here. Help.

The door opened and Jimin and Suga ran in. Jimin ran to me. I was a full on mess. Jimin hugged me and whispered in my hair. "You're fine now Minah we are here for you."He kissed my hair. I look over and see Suga beating up Dalton. That's what he gets. Jimin looked at me then got red. "Please put your clothes back on" he turned around. Oh yeah forgot about that. I put my clothes back on and turned to Jimin to hug him. "Thank you so much" I heard the door open and everyone came in. I didn't stop hugging him I gave him a kiss on his cheek. I saw Suga being held back by Namjoon and Jin while staring at me. I heard sirens in the distance.

We got questioned by the police then we were let go. They took Dalton and arrested him. He should stay there forever.

We all walked back to the apartments. I walked next Suga. "Hey Suga can I can you call you Yoongi?" I think we are getting closer. "Sure" he looked at me. "Yoongi I wanted to thank you for protecting me. I thought no one would come for me but you did. Thank you so much" my eyes started tearing up again. "Yeah whatever" he said coldly then walked ahead of me. Why is he bring rude I never did anything to him.

I didn't stay in my apartment. I couldn't so stay in there. I didnt want to be alone. They let me stay at their apartment. Everyone went to their rooms and I just sat there thinking about my day. J-Hope must feel terrible. I went into J-Hope's room and and sat on his bed. "Hobi don't you dare think it was your fault. I shouldn't have told you to leave its my fault." I gave him a hug. "So don't be sad Hobi. I need you to show me your really big smile or I'll punish you" he started laughing. "See that's the spirit. Wanna play Mario Kart" he nodded and we ran to the living room.

We played games all night long until we fell asleep on Secret Garden(that's one of my all time favorite kdramas)

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