Chapter 12: Love Hurts

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I woke up with puffy eyes, tangled hair and saliva on my cheeks. I went into the bathroom and saw my face. "Ahh" I scared myself. I recalled what happened yesterday and understood why I looked like a zombie. Jimin cheated on me. I looked a shower and got ready for the day.

I went downstairs and saw mom still sleeping on the couch. Man does she ever get days off? She probably haven't had one in a couple of months. I made breakfast and ate and wrote a note saying I was going out.

I went to a park and sat on a bench while watching kids played. Then I saw a couple walking together hands held and finger interlocked. They smiled so happily at each other. They must be so lucky. I wish we would have been like that. I started crying my eyes out.

Someone sat next to me and i felt them staring at me. "What do you need?" I turned to see an woman about in her 30s. "Are you ok sweetie" she looked concerned. "I'm sorry, I need to go." I got up from the park and made my way back home. I have to go back.

I walked in and saw mom off the couch so I wonder where is she? I went into the kitchen and found her eating. "Mom I'm sorry but I really have to go back to Korea." I said. I hope she won't get angry but I have to figure out why. "I know I already packed your bags and booked a flight so head to the airport." She gave me a smile. She knows what to do before I even know. "Thanks mom I love you" I gave her a hug as we started our way to the airport.

Time skip to landing.

Jungkook should be here any minute. The taxi came and we rode together. "I missed you. It was not as fun without you" he hugged me. "Same here kookie, same here."

The ride was long and boring. I couldn't wait until I got home. Oh how I missed my bed. We walked out the elevator on our floor and I was met by a sight I didn't want to see.

Jimin was outside my apartment

"Do you want me to do anything" jungkook asked. "Nope nothing at all." I don't want to talk to him or see him. Jungkook left and I told him bye. I walked to my apartment and ignored the boy beside my door and walked in. Only to be followed by him. I still ignored him as I made my way to my bed to sleep. Why won't he leave me alone

"Minah why are you ignoring me? I called you several times and sent you texts." "I ignored them for a reason, now please get out of my apartment" I gave him a glare. "But Minah let me ex-" " How long" I cut him off. He looked confused. "What?" "How long have you been with her" he avoided my eyes "a month" I felt my blood boiling. I grabbed my phone and texted Jungkook to come over. He would know what to do.

Jungkook came through the door and took a look at the situation. "Can you please keep him away from me" I asked Jungkook while crying. He pulled Jimin out of my room and went back to their apartment.

I couldn't sleep I stayed up listening to music. One of my favorite songs came on and it reminded me of Jimin. It was Secret Love by Hara. That was a song I was thinking about when I started liking Jimin. I skipped it. I stayed in my apartment the whole day. I didn't want to listen about happy love songs. I looked over and saw it was 4am. I was supposed to stay another day in America so I have a day off.

Me: Kookie are you awake???

I waited five minutes and didn't get a response. I know a person who never sleeps at night but sleeps during the day.

Me: Yoongi are you awake :(

Yoongi: Yea what do u need

Me: Come over please

A few minutes Yoongi arrived at my door. He looked a tad be irritated. We sat on the couch and didn't talk. I was hoping he would break the silence. After a couple of minutes I broke it. "Jimin cheated on me" I feel like crying every time I say it or think about it. "I'm going to kill him any boy should be lucky to have you in their lives." He clenched his fist in anger. I calmed him down and he tried to cheer me up but it became awkward. I scooted closer to Yoongi and turned on the tv. "Thanks for being there for me" I felt so much better since Yoongi was here. He is a good person to talk to and he is there for me. "Has a girl ever cheated on you?" I heard he dated a lot of girls. "Yea but I got over it. They didn't really like me they just wanted to get closer to one of the others." He said nonchalantly. I felt a little sad for him he obviously like a couple of the girls. I fell asleep while laying on Yoongi shoulder.

I woke up and Yoongi was gone. I guessing he left after I fell asleep. "Miniiii" I heard at the door. Ugh why jungkook I am not in the mood. I flung open the door and sat. This better be good. "Let's go out" he pumped his fist. So he is serious about this. "Plus you need to go out so get ready in an hour or else" he walks out. I guess I don't have a Choice do I?

Jungkook pov

Poor Minah she hasn't been the same. Jimin. The boy who broke Mini heart. I swear if we went in the band together I'd kill him. I decided Mini should get out so we are having a friendly date. I walked back to our apartment with a huge smile on my face. "Jungkook why are you smiling like an idiot?" Yoongi asked. I didn't think I looked like an idiot.. "Mini and I are going out for the whole day" I saw Jimin twitch at the sound of Minah. "Well I going to get ready" I felt someone burning holes into the back of my skull but I didn't care.

Minah pov

I got ready really fast and decided to wait at their apartment. I wore a button down shirt, leggings a beanie and Timberlands. I went to the apartment and went inside. They have given me a key.

I sat and waited. "Minah do you know where you're going?" Hopie said. "No not at all why?" "Um no reason I gotta go...... pee yeah I have to go pee bye" that was really weird.

Someone placed they're hands over my eyes. "Kookie!" Why is he so chil- it was Jimin. My smile broke.

"What are you doing here"

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