Chapter 16: The Hospital

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It was Rapmon (y'all thought it was someone important..)

I woke up to see bright white lights. At first I thought I went to heaven. I let my eyes adjust to the lightning. Ugh it stinks it smells like antiseptic and sanitizer.

All I remember is that I was singing and seeing Rapmons face. My body aches. I looked around the room and noticed Jungkook, Rapmon and JIMIN!? I looked at my hand and noticed he had his hand on top of mine. I tried moving away but I just barely did anything. He looked up at me and smiled. That smiled that I loved so much. "Minah!" He looked excited. I have finally got over you Jimin. "Jungkookie oppa what happened. My body hurts I feel like I was hit by a truck" Jimin looked shocked and moved his hand. Jungkook chuckled. "You were performing and hit a high note and passed out. You looked pretty bad out there." We laughed together

Rapmon looked at me and shook his head. "Did the liquor get to you?" I felt a little angry. "You know it would have been nice if you didn't leave me at the bar." I pouted. "You went to a bar" Jimin and Jungkook both shouted at me. "Yep. By the way you left me with Jackson, Mark, and Bam Bam. I woke up half naked and Bam Bam on top of me. That's why you should never leave me when I'm drunk." All of them turned to me in shock and looked pretty pissed. As soon as that happened they came into the room with flowers and get well cards.

"MINAHH How ar-" Bam Bam was cut off by Jungkook. Jungkook had him pinned up against the wall. "Did you do anything to MY MINAH!" Bam Bam looked so frightened. "No I didn't I promise" Jungkook let go of him and nodded. "Well that was scary ,but we just wanted to tell you to get well. After Bam watched you dance in the club he became your fan."Mark said. I looked at Bam and he avoided my eyes. So cuteee. "He watched your performance and when he saw what happened he wanted to see what happened." He cared that much for me. Made my heart beat a little. Wait no Minah you can't start that already. You just got over Jimin you don't need another one. "Here" he handed me a flower and had pink tinted cheeks. "Thanks"

"We're about to leave so say goodbye" "aw but you just got here. That means I have to give you my number so we can hang out later ok" I grabbed a pin and wrote it on his hand. "Come on Bam" he pouted and came close and kissed my cheek. My heart has to stop this right now. The beaping of the heart monitor became faster. "That's my get well kiss. Call me as soon as you get discharged so we can play" I nodded. Nope we're not doing it Minah. I already kinda like my best friend I can't like my new one.

I forgot about the people in my room. "Um guys do you know when I would get discharged" "I don't know let's go check Jungkook." "But I don't wann-" Rapmon grabbed him and dragged him out the room.

"How do you feel." He asked. That an understatement my heart was hurting for days. "I'm good Jungkook oppa will take care of me and Bam Bam will bring his brightness." I smiled thinking about it. "I don't like you calling Jungkook oppa" huh. "Why not" he looked around for a bit. "Because you're mine." He grabbed my hand and pulled his lips to mine. I thought I would feel sparks but I didn't it just felt empty. I pushed him off and glared. "I'm not yours, I don't care what you think you can do to try to win me back but it won't work. You broke my heart once and I'm not going to give you another so you can go back with that girl Jimin. I never knew I had this many years until i met you." I knew this had to happen or else he would break it again. Crying again. I'm crying again about him, but this will be the last time.

"Minah you can be discharged tomorrow." With every word jungkook got quieter. He glanced at Jimin and back at me like did he do something. I shook my head. "Well I'm sleepy so thanks for coming and I'll see you later.

I woke up thinking about what happened last night and let it go. I showered and hailed a taxi to the company.

I arrived at the company but they sent me back home and told me to rest for the day.

I sat at home wondering what to do. I was going to call bam bam.

"Hey Bam are you busy today"

"No I'm not wanna go out on a date"

"Yea sounds fun, I'll meet you at your apartment"

"Yea that's fine see you in a few"

I changed into a white summer dress with some wedges. If I'm going out with him better look my best.

I had to wait on Bam because as Jackson says he was getting all dolled up.

"Ready" he asked me and held out his arm. "Yea let's go" I linked arms and heard Jackson saying something about "they grow up so fast" followed by sniffing. Sometimes I worry about him.

"So where are we going." I asked while skipping around. He thought a little about it then smiled. "Pizza?" I thought "Yea pizza" we ran to the mall like little kids.

We ordered a medium cheese pizza and sodas. "So are you with Jungkook or Jimin?" I choked on my pizza and started laughing. Do kookie and I look like a couple? "Why do you ask that" he shrugged his shoulders. "Well Jungkook called you his and yesterday I thought I left something in your room, so I came back and" wait did he. "Saw Jimin kissing you" yep he did. "Um no Jimin forced that kiss on me. He told me I was his but I'm not anyone." He looked relieved to hear that. "So does that mean I have a chance."

"Maybe Bam Bam Maybe"

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