Chapter 3: The Meeting

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Your pov 

J-Hope and jungkook I rode in the same cab. Save money we are all going in the same place. I sat in the middle. My heart never beat so fast in my life.  We made it to the apartments and grabbed bags and headed upstairs. J-Hope and jungkook decided to carry my bags. They didn't have many and saw me struggling with mine. Jungkook carried the heavy ones and does he have muscles, and he had nice toned arms. Man I would love to have those arms around me and cuddling. MINAH GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER. THEY ARE FRIENDS ONLY FRIENDS."Minah which floor are you on". "I'm on the 3rd floor apt 215" I said as we made it to the elevator. J-Hope looked at Jungkook with a surprised face that soon turned into a devilish smile I didn't like. It reminded me of a smile people make in movies where the dude is a rapist. Please don't let this cute man be a rapist. I was really starting to like him."Why are you smiling like that. It looks scary" 


We made it to the 3 floor. "Thanks guys i think from I can take it you don't have to follow me." Jungkook started saying while laughing. Why are they laughing. Oh dear God please save me. Why did the cute one have to kill me. This is the end. Goodbye cruel world. "We're not following you we're apt 216. Looks like we're going to be neighbors." What I'm not dying today? We're going to be neighbors, like I get to see them my whole stay in Korea. This is just too good.  "Minah" he paused "After you get settled you should come over there are many more of us" Jungkook said while smiling. THERE ARE MORE! MORE HOTTIES LIKE THEM! "I might take you up on that offer see you later bye" Definitely not going to pass it up. I waved and entered my apt "Alright let's get started" I took out my items and put them up. It took 4 hours to get everything unpacked. Partly the reason I unpacked so fast was to see the rest of them. If they're all cute as those two, I don't think I'll be able to live another day. I checked and made sure I looked good and made my way to the door. 

(Knock knock knock)

Yoongi pov

I woke up. I got up and made my way to the kitchen for some water.

(Knock knock knock) 

Who is knocking on our door at 8pm? I shuffle to the door about to get angry at the person at the door when I was met by a beautiful girl. She had dark brown eyes, long wavy hair, perfect pink lips and the cutest smile. 

"Um hello can you hear me?" She said. "Oh I'm sorry was not paying attention what did you need?" I asked her. "J-Hope and Jungkook said they wanted to hang after I finished unpacking are they here?" Her eyes were beautiful. When the light hit them just right, they sparkled. She looked around inside until she met eyes with Jungkook. Her eyes lit up and her cute smile appeared. "Minah come in I'll introduce you to everyone. I guess you've already met Yoongi" Jungkook yelled from the couch and made his way towards us.Why must he call me Yoongi. He knows I hate it. She gave me a friendly smile and said "Hello I'm Minah. Nice to meet you Yoongi I hope we can become friends" Minah such a pretty name. "Same here but please call me Suga" I smiled and walked into the house. She smiled back and walked in behind me.

Your pov

I met Yoongi i mean Suga and he seemed pretty chill. Why are all of them so hot. I don't think I can live. Interrupting my thoughts I looked at jungkook as he introduced everyone. "Hi I'm Minah I hope we can be friends" I gave them all warm smiles. 

Jungkook pointed at man with blond hair "That is Rap Monster hyung or Namjoon. That is Jimin hyung" he said while pointing at a man with bright orange hair. "This is V hyung or Taehyung" he pointed at the boy with the rectangular smile. "That's Jin hyung he's the oldest" he waved and gave me a friendly smile. "The rest you've met right?" He said giving me a questioning look. "Yes I have" i said looking at everyone. 

"So Minah what are you doing in Korea"  Jimin started "I'm in Korea to become a Kpop trainee" I said while smiling. J-Hope smiled and said "You're going to have a great time. You have us to show you the beautiful city and my beautiful face." I would agree but I'll keep it to myself. Everyone started protesting and throwing stuff at J-Hope, I started giggling. 

Hours passed and nobody wanted to leave. I found out that Rap Monster can't have anything sharp or go into the kitchen. Jin made us dinner and it was so good. I don't think I ever had so much fun in my life. Suga didn't say much he just watched me. I've only met these men for hours and already I feel like I found my Korean family.

"I'm going back to my apartment to sleep." Everyone looked sad. "Come tomorrow around 11 and we will show the beautiful side of Korea" said V. "Alright I'll come as long as we get food" They started laughing. I'm not a happy person in the morning. The only thing that can cheer me up is food."Good night" I was walking out the door when I heard "Stop" I turned to see Suga he walked up to me. What does he want. He looked nervous "Do you think I could have your number" he started blushing. He is so cute when he blushes. "Sure"we exchanged numbers and I left.

An hour later I got a text

"Hello Minah it's me Yoongi"

My heart stopped

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