Chapter 22: Lies

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(This song is what I named my story after. Even though it's really repetitive I still really love the song. Maybe I'm just cheesy)

"Who is Jeon Jungkook" she asked. She doesn't know who I am. Why wouldn't she know who I am? Does she know who Bam Bam is? Rapmon hyung looked at me with sympathy. I don't want any sympathy I want Minah, my Minah.

"Minah, you don't know who Jungkook is?" Jimin asked. "No I don't, it was just a name that came to my head. Is he someone cute" she wiggled her eyebrows at Jimin. I stood there in shock and felt a tear spill. She looked at me and rose her eyebrows. "Are you Jeon Jungkook?" So she really doesn't know who I am. "Yea I'm Jeon Jungkook" I couldn't handle it. Every time I got close to her something takes her away from me. I can't stand it, I just want my Minah. I stormed out of the room to find her doctor.

"Excuse me, Choi Minah has awaken, but something is off" he looked at me and walked to her room. "Um excuse me guys, I need to do a couple of test on her to see if everything is all right." They put her in a wheelchair and wheeled her out the room.

After she was out of the room everyone looked at me. "I'm fine guys, stop staring" Namjoon shocked his head. "You're not and you know it. Cry. The girl you love can't remember you. It's okay to cry Jungkook" I felt my heart break "You're lying she remembers me. I'm her best friend, she can't forget me. Stop lying you guys. Why would she forget me" Jin ran over to hug me. "Why would she forget me, not anyone else just me." He rubbed circles onto my back but it didn't help. "Why"

( My heart hurts)

Namjoon pov

The past few days Jungkook hasn't left his room. He hasn't eaten, slept, nothing. I walk in there to check on him and he's just in the corner. Same clothes as the the day Minah was admitted to the hospital with a blank stare on his face. I try to get him to do stuff but he just dismisses it. He just sitting there listening to the same song over and over. I sat there and watched him sing this song over and over.

I'll deal with all the hurting myself
So just promise me this
Just promise me one thing

Your spot will always stay the same
So if you miss it
Don't worry about it and come back to me

Come back. Day by day
I'm spending with endless tears
Come back to me, who waits for you
Come back
The waiting is endless inside of me
The only one who can stop it is you

I'll deal with all the waiting myself
So just remember this
Just remember one thing

I'll keep my shoulder empty for you
So whenever you need it again
Don't worry about it and come back to me

Come back. Day by day
I'm spending with endless tears
Come back to me, who waits for you
Come back
The waiting is endless inside of me
The only one who can stop it is you

I won't ask anything
I won't ask why you left me alone
Why you left me
Why you did that

Why is that important anyway?
I just need you by my side
Really, that's all I need

Come back. Day by day
I'm spending with endless tears
Come back to me, who waits for you
Come back
The waiting is endless inside of me
The only one who can stop it is you

Come back
I only have you
Day by day
In my heart
It's always you

(Kontrol Kim Sung Kyu )

He sang the song with his whole heart in it."Jungkook let's go visit Minah. She out of the hospital now" I pulled him up off the floor and led him to the living room. Everyone was in there and was surprised when I was pulling Jungkook. Jin ran to help carry some of his body weight. He shook us off and walked out the door. We followed close and saw him stop in front of her door.

Minah pov

I was  discharged and Bam Bam wanted to hang out with me. He came over and brought food because he is awesome. I'm still wondering about that Jungkook boy. He doesn't look like anyone I know. "Minah I have a question" we sat on my couch and looked at each other. I shoved some chicken into my mouth. "Shoot" he took a deep breath and said. "Whowereyougoingtochoose" I didn't even understand him "slow down and say it again" I looked at him waiting for the question. "Who were you going to choose" I laughed. "You of course. I don't even know that Jungkook dude."

I turned around and there was the Jeon Jungkook dude. I walked up to him. "Excuse me but can you knock" I saw Namjoon and Jin and waved then shot 'Jungkook' a death glare. He just came into my house without asking, rude.

I went back to Bam Bam and he looked happy. "So does that me you're accepting my feelings?" I nodded. He jumped and picked me up off the ground. I jumped with him but I kinda felt bad about what I did to Jungkook and I don't know why.

The next couple of days was filled with Bam Bam. He would take me out for lunch and give me tons of kisses. He'd visit me at BigHit whenever he wasn't preparing for his debut which was really soon! In two days to be exact, I was so excited for him.

Today Ashley and I were going to post a dance to CL's Baddest Female. We both decided that was a song that was in our heads for a while. Bangtan came to watch our dance even though they could watch it on the internet. I hung out with Bangtan but that Jungkook was never around. We still had some good times.

We just went over movements that we could mess up on and got them done. Bangtan piled into our room. All seven of them. Ashley and I moved slightly until the music really started.

We killed that song. The dance practice was uploaded immediately and ten seconds after it had a lot of views. Bam Bam walked in to give me a hug and a kiss on the lips. For some reason Bam Bam doesn't make my heart explode. It beats a little faster but not like I'm about to pass out every time I see him.

Shouldn't I feel like that if I was in love?

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