Epilogue pt 2

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I woke up right next to Jungkook. I checked my phone and saw my Twitter feed blowing up. What's happening now?

"Congrats Minah and Jungkook"
"They are the cutest couple"
"Minah would look so pretty in a wedding dress"

Who told them about us getting engaged. I barely found out last night, how does the world know? Three people were way to happy about us getting engaged. I scrolled through Jin's tweets and saw nothing but cooking stuff. I did the same with Hope's and he was in the clear. Taehyung. I went through his and found nothing either. If it wasn't them then who could it be? I looked at Jimin's and found it.

"My baby is getting married to Minah. WHY NOT ME KOOKIE!! Wait maknae just beat us in marriage, we really need to step it up guys" I laughed so hard at his post. I got a call.

"Minah, you and Jungkook need to be at the company in twenty minutes" then hung up.

The worst part about sleeping with Jungkook is waking him up. I swear he could sleep through a tornado that tore up the whole house, wake up two hours later and say "hey, what happened".

It took almost 20 minutes to get him up. And the only way was to bribe him with breakfast. Then while he showers I made breakfast but he decided to take a hour shower.

He finally got out and I got in for a five minute shower.

We made it to BigHit really late. We walked in hand in hand.

"Jungkook, Minah, sit down. "

We sat down and let go of each other and looked towards PD Nim.

"Do you know when you're getting married."

"We don't want to be married to you soon. We want to get married about a year." Jungkook answered.

"Did any of the other members know about this." Jungkook sighed. "All of the members did"

"I'm glad y'all are happy. I'll approve of your wedding as long as you continue with band activities." He showed us a genuine smile and gave us a thumbs up. I hopped up, ran around to him and gave him a big hug.

We decided to go on a date today since yesterday's was bleh. We walked into a nice Italian restaurant that looked like something out of a movie.

"Omo it's Minah and Jungkook!"

"Did you hear about them getting married"

We sat down next to an open window. The waitress looked so happy. "Um I know you're probably tired of hearing this but I really like both of you really much. And I think y'all are a cute couple." She smiled really hard. "I have one request. Can you two kiss please" I looked at the fans around us and saw their looks plus their phones obviously on a camera.

I looked a Jungkook and shrugged I pulled him closer towards me, while the people around us got louder. He took it upon himself to crash our lips together.

We ate in peace and of course he paid for our food.

We climbed into the car. "I'm so glad many people accept us. I thought a lot of sasaengs would be after me." He looked at me and laughed. "Who cares, you have Kookie to protect you!" I laughed while turning on the radio. Of all of the songs to come on Backseat comes on. I changed the radio quickly, but luck wasn't on my side. The next song was Playboy by EXO. I changed it multiple times but the songs were the same. I just went back to Backseat and sang my heart out.

Even the smallest sound of your breath
I want to make it mine
Look at us, we're different from the typical love story
Take away even the last feeling
Baby this is all about
You and I want each other as it is
You want it more
You trust me
Follow along with me
Yeah Yeah
Put you on my back seat
Back seat
Back seat uh-woo-uh
Let your feelings go
You don't have to fight
Oh yeah
Don't be shy
Put you on my back seat
Back seat
Back seat
Now let's get it on-on my back seat

"You really like that song, don't you?" I nodded. "I hope you know what that songs about" I nodded slightly and felt my face burn.

When we got home I decided to make dinner. Jungkook said he wanted to help cause he needed to learn at some point. I turned on some music and the first song was Lotto. I stopped cooking and started jamming. That is my jam. I turned and looked at Jungkook with an amused look on his face. "Don't ask any questions. That song is the best right now. If we weren't together I swear if hunt down Baekhyun" he huffed. "But could Baekhyun do this" he kissed me.

He let go and said "still thinking about leaving me" I giggled like a little girl. "Nope"

We finished dinner and he showered first while I sat on the couch. He came out shirtless and God bless he's abs were gorgeous. I quickly got up and ran to take my shower, but you can't have showers without jams. I wonder how Jimin does it.

I left my music on as I was climbing out the shower. It was one of my all time favorites Quit Playing. Jungkook was sitting on the bed just watching me. "Um Jungkook can I change please" he smirked "You're going to be Jeon Minah, so it's not wrong for me to look at my fiancée ." He got up and walked over to me, and I only had a towel wrapped around me. I ran but he tried grabbing for my wrist but ended getting the towel instead and it unraveling everything. "Jeon Jungkook" I yelled as my hands everything to cover me up. "Don't cover yourself, you look beautiful. Plus you're a tad bit late so I saw everything already." He pulled my hands down gently and started kissing me.

(I think you know what's happening now ;))


"Hey Namjoon" Jimin asked trying to get Namjoon to stop reading. "Hm" he asked telling him to start his question. "Since they are a couple and Jungkook's been staying at Minah's. You think their doing something" he wiggled his eyebrows. Namjoon threw his book at him, Jin and Yoongi smacked him in the back of the head, Hopie gave him a very disgusted look at Tae just laughed. "It's human nature guys" Jin shook his head. "Minah is way too pure" Hums of agreement was everywhere. "But Jungkook might be able to make her do it" yoongi sighed. "But if anything if they had kids they'd have way too many uncles. They'd have the Got7 uncles and the BTS uncles." "But guess what" Hopie said. "What" "Jimin.... would..... be... the ..... most.... remembered .... uncle" Jimin gasped "why" everyone came closer and closer. "Because...... YOU GOT NO JAMS. YOURE THE JAMLESS UNCLE!!!" He shouted. Everyone laughed except for poor jamless Jimin.

"I bet $20 they do it before the wedding" Jimin said while slapping money down.

"I bet $40 they do it on their honeymoon and she gets pregnant." Yoongi said.

Tae slaps money on the table. "What are you betting on" Yoongi asked. "Oh I just wanted to put down money"

"I just bet they do it on their Honeymoon" Hopie said while putting down his $10.

"I'm not betting" Namjoon said and walked out the room.
"Neither am I" Jin said.

They looked at each other with intense eyes.

"You're on"

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