Chapter 4: Korea the Beautiful

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Your pov

(Knock knock knock)

Who is knocking at my door this early. Maybe if I ignore it they'll go away. 

(Knock knock knock)

Alright they're not going to leave. I get up eyes still closed and shuffle towards the door. Whoever is there better have a VERY good reason to be at my door. "Who is there?" I said while opening the door. "Minah did you forget?" Jimin asked giving me a pouty face. "Um guys what time is it" didn't I set an alarm? No, I didn't I fell asleep after getting Suga text. I mentally facepalmed myself. "It's 10:45 so hurry and get dressed. I hate being late." Jin said sternly. I ran back inside to start getting ready. Wait I forgot something. I turned and the boys were just standing at the door awkwardly. "Guys come in. Just sit on the floor. I'll try to be quick" I turned to go take a shower to wake up fully. Turns out I wasn't as quick as I thought. It took me forty-five minutes to shower and, thirty minutes to put on my makeup and outfit. I wore a simple pink shirt, black leggings and white high tops. "Took you long enough. I thought you had fallen asleep again." J-Hope said while scrolling through his phone. Hey I'm sorry for waking up late. I told you I'm not a morning person. "Sorry guys I guess my alarm didn't go off" I lied. What they don't know won't hurt them. 

"Well let's go show Minah the beautiful side of Korea" V said bouncing up and down. We exited my apartment and walked down the stairs.(there are way too many of us to fit in an elevator)

 I tripped on a step and was caught by my waist. I turned to see who it was. It was Jimin. Ah it's like the classic kdrama move where the girl falls, the boy catches her, they fall in love, get married. I don't care what happens I just had to escape that scene. I pushed Jimin backwards trying to get out of his grip. But he had already let go. He must have let go while I was thinking of kdrama moments. He stumbled a little trying not to fall backwards. I pulled him by his hand to keep him steady. I started blushing while thinking I was holding hands with Jimin. "Will you love birds hurry up. We're already late." Suga said coldly. I immediately let go. Oops they already made it to the bottom.  Why does he sound so mean. I was just helping a friend.

(This is going to be hard I don't know what Korea look a like sorry if I get something wrong)

We went through parks with vast amounts of green grass. A lot of street food vendors. Tons of large skyscrapers. We saw multiple people busy walking enjoying each other's company. I got bumped into a couple times but I was so in awe I didn't care. "Close your mouth or you're going to catch flies" Suga said while putting his fingers under my chin to close my mouth. Why did he do that? "You didn't have to do that Suga." I said while blushing. He makes me blush so much with his cuteness. "I know I didn't have to. I wanted to." He said while smiling. That smile just melted my heart.

We all went to a cafe and ordered bubble tea and sat down. "So Minah do you like Korea?" Rap Monster said. Like this place is amazing. What have I been missing out on in my entire life. If I was my mom I wouldn't want to leave this place. "This place is amazing and pretty." The boys started high-fiving each other. "That means we did a good job" Jungkook said while smiling really big. 

We put our empty cups in the trash and headed out of the cafe. "Well it's getting dark should we head back?" I said as I walked out. J-Hope looked around with the same devilish smile as the one in the elevator. Not that smile. It's the rapist smile. That smile is going to bring me bad luck. J-Hope looked around and everyone else nodded. Wait what are they nodding for? Oh this does not seem good. "KARAOKE" the boys yelled. "No" I said instantly. Their faces darkened. I can't sing worth a lick. My mom says I'm good but I know she's lying. "Why not please" they all said and gave my puppy dog eyes. How could I say no. It's puppy dog eyes. "Fine I guess" I gave in. They got so happy and took off. I struggled to keep up. Man they are fast runners. They turned and stop to wait for me. "Minah come on!" Jungkook said while pulling me with him. Gosh he is athletic. My second day and I've already had so much fun with these boys next door.

"Yeah I could live life like this everyday" 

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