Chapter 9: Accepted

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Minah pov

Many weeks had passed. They were filled with rapping practise, cheeks blushing moments from Jimin, very short answers from Yoongi and no call from YG

Today I was going to confront him. I was at their apartment. I noticed he always stayed in his room. I thought we were becoming friends.

Knock knock
"Who is it and what do you want?" He sounded a little angry. I just walked in. "Its me and I want to talk to you."
His eyes instantly soften but quickly went blank. "Well what do you want to talk about?" He looked uninterested. "Why are you acting so coldly to me? Did I do something to you?" I thought if I did anything to him and every time I've encountered him, I was nice. "I'm not acting like that towards you." "You haven't even had a full conversation with me since the whole Dalton thing. I thought we were friends." I was a little sad. Man I thought we were cool. I was angry and I walked out. "Do you like Jimin?" I stopped and turned around quickly. Do I like Jimin? He is nice,caring and is handsome. "Yeah he's a better friend than you were." I stormed out angry. He can go fall In a volcano for all I care.

Yoongi pov

What did I just do. I messed up everything. I ruffled my hair in frustration. Is she really that clueless.

I decided to come out of my room to eat but I was afraid of the loud voices. Hopefully they won't see me. I tried creeping but failed." Yoongi we have some excellent news. WE ARE NOW TRAINEES!!" What we got in? I've been waiting for this callback. Where's Minah so we can share the good news. Wait she's mad at me, better keep my distance for now. "Well you know what this calls for Sojuu!!" Oh drinking and Minah is going with us.

We made it to the restaurant and ordered 7 bottles of soju. I had a couple of drinks and I got a bright idea. I pretend I was drunk while we were walking back and I started leaning on Minah and hugging her. "Choi Minah..... that's such a perty name for such a perty girly" i slurred my words to make it believable. Then I touched the tip of her nose. Finally I got a bit braver and I went in for a kiss. I leaned in and got closer about to put my lips on hers and-
ring ring

I quickly turned and she looked at her phone. OH MY GOD the mood was so good. I missed my chance. Ugh I was so close. The rest of the walk was silent. She left after we made it to the apartments and soon sleep hit.

Minah pov

I finally got home and I was wide awake. All I could think about was Yoongi and YG. He tried to kiss me. Hmmn he was just drunk. It's ok he didn't mean to. All that soju went to his head. I'm a little upset i didn't get in. Plan B, get into Big Hit Entertainment. I would audition tomorrow. I wonder which company they got into? Too much work to think right now I'm sleepy.

The next day I went into Big Hit did the exact same thing I did at YG and left. I felt a lot better with this one. I thought I had a chance this time but I tried not to get my hopes up too much.

The next days were a blur. Yoongi and I still were not talking. Jimin and I had gotten closer. It was mostly fun times. I was sitting in my room that day and I had gotten a call. "Is this Choi Minah" is this the call I've been waiting for!!! "Yes, May I ask why?" "You have been accepted to be a trainee for Big Hit Entertainment. Please come in tomorrow to start training right away." "Thank you so much you won't regret it."

I screamed and ran out of my apartment, ran straight into the the living room and screaming. Everyone ran out. "What happened are you alright?" They looked so surprised. "Guys I'm officially a trainee!! AHHHHHHHHHH". Their eyes went from fear to crescents they were smiling so hard. "Congrats Minah" they said at the same time. "Speaking of trainees. Which company did you get accepted into?" I wonder if. They got into SM or JYP. "Oh we all got accepted into Big Hit. You?" "Oh I got into Big Hi- wait we all got into the same company?" Oh this is going to be perfect. "I guess it just turned out that way." Tae said.

After everyone dispersed into their rooms. Jimin came up to me and asked if I wanted to go out on a date with him. I said yes, of course.

We went to a park and stared at stars and talked. "Hey Minah remember that girl I was talking about after karaoke night." I thought for a min trying to think. Finally the light bulb went off. "Oh yeah I remember about her.

Did she ever hear about your feelings." "No I haven't told her yet, I thought she liked another dude but I don't think so anymore. She even went on a date with me. Everyday i see her I get to know more about her" whoa this girl must be awesome. "So who is it" I wonders who it was. "It's you"
I was shocked. I started shaking really bad and my face got red. "Minah are you alright" he tried to hold me but I pushed away and ran. I heard Jimin calling my name from a distance but I didn't think for a moment and just headed home.

When I got home. I didn't know what to do. I trust Jimin and I like him I just got scared of these new feelings.

Me: Kookie please come over. I need advice

Jungkook: First I was sleeping and why do you need advice

Me: If you don't get your ass over here I will burn your body and place your ashes on a road."

A minute later Jungkook was at the door. I invited him into my room then we sat. "So what did you need?" He looked pissed. "So Jimin and I went on a date" he looked astonished. "Then we talked for a while." I told him the story Jimin told me. " Then he told me the girl was me". Jungkook's mouth dropped open. "I ran away after he told me this." His mouth opened even more. "Well you are asking the right person. You like Jimin, and he likes you so why did you run?" "I was scared of my feelings. I never felt this way before".I felt embarrassed. "Well it's ok just tell Jimin how you felt and everything will be alright. Now if you don't mind I'll be going to sleep." He laid down on my bed and got comfortable.

"Tell Jimin how you felt and everything will be alright" kept playing in my head.

Maybe I should tell him how I feel. I look over to see Jungkook asleep. "Thanks Kookie for everything" I gave him a kiss on his forehead, and fell asleep with Jungkook.

Did you catch the blanket kick moment. That song has been in my head for the longest time!

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