Chapter 15: The Incident

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"We're going to a club"

I opened my mouth. What?! I've never went to parties. Why a club why? "You have to change your outfit and do your hair" he looked me up and down. "Fine I'll get ready but I'm not going out there looking like some hooker, but I will look hot" I got up and changed into some black skinny jeans and a black crop top with a flowery jacket. Instead of nude heels I wore converse. (Picture in the media) I curled my hair and went ouht into the living room and meet joon with an open mouth.

"So is anyone else coming" please say no. "Yea Hopie, Yoongi, Jin, and I plus I have some friends that are waiting for us so let's go" he walked out of the apartment and led me to a taxi.

We went inside the club and Joon led me to a corner. He walked up to three guys. "Here is Jackson, BamBam and Mark. I waved at them. "My name is Minah I hope we can become friends" I smiled and bowed. "Yea Minah we can become friends" BamBam and Jackson said while wrapping their arms around my shoulders. For some reason in their arms I felt safe and sound. "Alright guys now I plan on drinking anyone coming" I looked at everyone else and they nodded and headed for the bar

BamBam pov

Minah already seemed like fun but I knew what was happening. She was downing drinks like nothing


I was talking to Jackson when my phone began to ring. Caller ID said it was Rapmon he never really calls so it must be good. "Yo what up rapmon." "Um you want to go out and go clubbing?" I thought for a while "Why" he sighed. "I have a friend more like a sister she dated Jimin and he cheated on her so now she's just moping around. Do you know affinity?" They're that new girl group. I don't know them very well but I've heard of them. "Yea why?" "Choi Minah is who it is and knowing you you're lots of fun so come here and cheer her up" I told Jackson and Mark and they decided to come with me

Flashback end

"Minah you probably should stop." I grabbed her drink and took it out of her. She nodded slightly and walked out into the dance floor. I followed her just in case she did anything crazy. "BoA Eat You Up" came on and I saw her pumping her chest to the beat. I didn't think she was going to be good, but was I wrong. People cleared the way to watch her dance. I was amazed at how well she danced.

People applauded when she got done and I just stood there with my mouth open. Then she heard a song she knew I didn't really know it because I never heard it. Her face lit up and she went to grab J-Hope and he nodded and they went to the dance floor. Their moves were in sync and it looked really cool. There was one part where she body and Hope body rolled together.

They finished and started laughing together. She had a really pretty smile. I think we were going to be good friends. She walked back to the bar and drank the night away. Rapmon said they were leaving and we let them leave. I looked over and saw Minah still drinking. She must've had a terrible day. Wait RAPMON LEFT HER. I panicked and looked around for them but they were gone.
Well they were drinking. I told Jackson and Mark what happened and they just decided to take her to our dorm. "Minah we need to get going" she looked at me with empty eyes. Then she turned back to drinking. "Let's go Minah" she nodded and walked towards me.

We entered the cab and she started crying. I didn't know what to do I was confused. "Why are you crying" she looked at me. "Because Park Jimin is the worst. I think my best friend likes me and I don't feel good. And now you have to take me home because my friends left me." She cried even harder. Who is her best friend? "It's ok this isn't trouble for us. We would enjoy having you over."

Minah stumbled behind us into the door to the dorms. She looked around and smiled at me. "Um Minah you can sleep in my bed." I planned on sleeping on the couch anyways. I led her to my room and put her near my bed. "Where's the bathroom" she looked around I pointed and she ran. Man she must have drank too much.

She came out the restroom and started taking off her shirt and pants. "W-What are you doing" she looked at me. "I don't wanna keep my clothes on." I tried putting clothes on her but she refused and pushes me off. This girl is something else. She was actually pretty fit. Ah why am I looking at her like that I shouldn't. I put a trash can near her just I'm case she threw up. I laughed at her and started to make my way to the couch when she grabbed my wrist and pulled my down. "Please don't leave me" she looked sad. I nodded and she pulled me down on top of her. I don't think I've ever been this close to a girl. Man if we're not friends after I've seen her half naked and laid on top of her than we should have never met.

Minah pov

Why do I keep on waking up with headaches ugh. I felt something on top of me. I opened my eye even though it hurt and saw Bam Bam on top of me. I looked down and noticed I was in my underwear. I jumped and screamed and woke up bam bam Why was he in my room? Why am I mostly naked? I noticed I wasn't in my room nor apartment. Minah did we do the unspeakable last night? Jackson and Mark ran into the room after hearing me scream. "Minah are you al- oh" Jackson and Mark looked concerned until they saw what I was wearing. "Yea she's good" Mark said smirking. They walked out and I turned and looked at Bam Bam. "First why am I half naked? Second did we do anything? Third how much did I drink. Forth how can I repay you?" He laughed which made me angrier I didn't find anything funny. I have a headache and I really feel like crap. "Um let's see you decided to take off your clothes even though I tried putting them back on. Second thing You wouldn't let me leave and I fell on top of you and you wouldn't let go. You have a very strong grip. Third thing You drank a lot something about Jimin I forgot. Oh and to repay me go out with me sometime! And let's become great friends"

Man I am stupid and I smell like a garbage can. My phone died so I had to use bam bam phone to call a cab and he told me to enter my number into his phone. My cab pulled up. I waved and thanked everyone then left for the house to try and practice today. I showered sobered up and left for practice.

I got to bighit a little late and got scolded by the cordi directors. "Minah did you know you had a performance today?" Oh I forgot all about it. More scolding yay!! "Now hurry so we can head to the site." I felt like crap again and I don't think it was my hangover. I felt weak and sickly but I can't skip just because I'm sick.

I was running to go get my bags and head to the car when I ran into Jimin. "Oh sorry I was-" I looked up and looked away. "Hey Minah are you alright you look kinda pale" he touched my face and I swatted his hand away. "I'm peachy now I have to go" I ran before he could say anything. I think going to the club and meeting Jackson and them helped.

"Minah where were you I was worried about you all of us were." I smiled "I was just a tad bit late but I'm ok now." I felt myself getting sleepy when we were in the car soon I fell asleep.

"Minah we're here wake up" I was shook by Ashley and T. I looked and noticed the venue and hopped out we had 15 minutes to get dressed get makeup and do vocal warm-up and stretches. BTS was right after us

We did a medley of our favorite songs we did No More Dream because we came from the same company you had to do at least one of their songs. I looked off stage to see Jungkook dancing with us. Then we did our debut song. Then EXO Growl and I thought Jiyeon was going to mess up the counts but she didn't. By that time I felt weaker but I pushed through it. Our last song was The Boys by Girl's Generation and our vocal instructor decided to give me the high notes. I sang my part and hit the note but I saw my vision get blurry and heard a male scraming my name.

"Minah. Wake up" I opened my eyes and saw.......

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