Chapter 13: I Love You and Hate You

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Minah pov

"What are you doing here" I asked. Everytime I see Jimin my heart still flutters but breaks at the same time. "I kinda live here,so that question should be reversed. What are YOU doing here?" He is right I'm the person who doesn't belong here. "Why is it any of your business?" I shot back. "I should have the right to know. I'm your boyfriend" I laughed "You stopped having the right to know when you were kissing that girl. That's the day you stopped become my boyfriend you two-timing cheating b-" jungkook covered my mouth. I looked at him. "Come on Mini let's go on our date" I looked back at Jimin and he looked angry. I didn't even notice I was crying.

I looked at Jungkook's outfit and we were almost matching. Honestly we looked like a couple.

"Minah since you have cried a lot. I shall make you laugh a lot, now LETS GO!" He ran off and I chased after him while laughing.

The first place we went was a cafe because Jungkook knows my love for bubble tea. "One chocolate bubble tea and one vanilla please" if I could marry bubble tea I would. That's how much I love it. I reached to pay but Jungkook beat me to it. "Why would you do that" I can pay for myself. He just gave me a smile grabbed our tea and left.

"What shall we do" maybe we could eat cheesecake or play games. "Uh I actually need to get stuff at the mall so" he rubbed the back of his head. "Yea let's go" I grabbed his hand and ran in the direction to the mall.

We went into the mall and entered a shoe store. I am an absolute shoe freak. I eat, sleep and breathe shoes. Heels and converse I love them all. Jungkook picked up some Tims. "Don't you have like seventeen pairs of those" (any one catch that XD) I think he cares more about shoes than I ever will. He turned and gave me a you-big-dummy-look. "You can never have enough Tims Minah, NEVER!" People started looking at us weird and I tried avoiding their looks, so I checked out some other shoes.

I found the most beautiful pair of Vans. They were a fire engine red, and they were HIGH TOPS. If only I could get them. I looked at my wallet and I swear some moths flew out of it. Maybe another day Vans.

Jungkook pov

I picked out my shoes and looked for Minah. I'm just going to watch her like a stalker. She was looking at some shoes then she looked at her wallet and pouted. I guess she doesn't have enough money. Her pout was pretty cute just saying.. I walked up to her. "What size shoes do you wear" she looked up confused. "Seven?" I turned to the employee and asked for the shoes in a seven.

"Why would you do that you didn't have to" she said angrily. She is not really good at pretending to be angry. "I know I didn't have to but I wanted to, but now you owe me something."

She turned around "What now kookie" she smiled. I gave a devilish smile. Now here is my chance "You have to call me oppa from now on" I saw her stiffen for a second and the go back to normal. "Thank you Kookie...oppa" I felt something for Minah but we are friends I can't risk ruining that because of my stupid heart.

Minah pov

"You have to call me oppa from now on" did he tell me to call me oppa. Well he did just buy me some expensive shoes so "Thank you Kookie...oppa" he gave a stupid smile and I ruffled his hair. "You wanna go to the park Minah" I smiled "let's go oppa" we linked arms and went to the park

I felt familiar with the park.

It was the park Jimin confessed to me. (I made his name in the sentence hahaha)

"Jungkookie oppa can we get some ice cream" I asked as I sat on the grass. I love this grass it's soft and nice to lay on."Yea I'll get it just stay here" he left

I looked over and saw someone sitting next to me.

Jimin pov

I felt bad about cheated on Minah. The girl I was with I have known her longer and liked her but I got a chance and I didn't want to blow it. I should have known she was just dating me for publicity. That ended into heart break for Minah and me.

I sat around all day with Minah on my mind. I went to the park where I told her my feelings and laid on the grass.

"Jungkookie oppa can we get some ice cream" I recognize that voice. It was Minah. Did she just call Jungkook, oppa? Are they a couple, did she get over me already. I felt my heart shatter.

"Minah do you still love me"

"I'm trying to get away but my heart is telling another"

Kinda thought I was completely alone I noticed she laid down also.

"Why did you cheat on me"

"It was a girl I liked for a long time but she always rejected until now. She only used me for publicity."

"Do you hate me"

"Yes Jimin, I hate you and love you at the same time. My heart flutters and breaks at the same time. In this moment I'm trying to cry a river, build a bridge and get over it. But Jimin"

I turned and looked at her and we made eye contact "You lost something very important. You lost my trust and it will take a while to get it back" she looked away then left.

I have to get her trust back.

Minah pov

I left Jimin to go get the ICE CREAM!! I didn't want to tell Kookie about my talk with Jimin. I told him how I feel now it's up to him with what he does with it.

Jungkook and I sat and talked while eating chocolate ice cream. You can never go wrong with chocolate ice cream. It's probably the best flavor

"Minah do you know where your mouth is" that a dumb question "Yes why wouldn't I" he giggled "Because that ice cream is all over your cheeks" I laughed and tried to wipe it off but I just smeared it. "Here I'll get it" Jungkook got a napkin and came close to my face and wiped it off. My cheeks got warm and my heart started beating really fast.

Up close he's not that bad looking. Who am I kidding he's hot, but I'm not going to be that friend who falls in love with her best friend. Not going to do it.

He noticed how close we were and moved back quickly. "S-sorry" did jungkook just stutter? Oh this is funny!

We finished and walked around some more until I got tired. Then we chilled in my apartment and talked some more.

We did our thing where we sit in my bed and talk.

"Hey Minah" he turned and looked at me. "What is it" he sighed.

"How can you tell that you love someone"

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