Chapter 6: Stalker

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Suga pov


Where's Minah I really wanted to walk with her. I looked behind and saw she was talking to Jimin. I overheard a little bit. "May I have your number" does Jimin like her? Nah he just wants to be friends hopefully.

End of flashback

I sat thinking does Minah like Jimin. I just gave up and fell asleep.

Minah pov

I couldn't sleep. Suga, Jimin, Rap Monster I had to talk to someone. I put on some pjs and made my way next door. I hope I don't disturb anyone

Knock knock

Jin opened the door. He looked confused. "Minah are you ok?" He looked concerned. "Yes I'm fine can I talk to namjoon please" he let me in then lead me to his room. "Just knock" and then he left. I chose namjoon because he looks out for me. He always checked on me in these couple of day. He treats me like I'm family when he met me.

I knocked hoping he wasn't sleeping. He opened the door with the same face as Jin. "May I come in" he pushes the door back to offer me in. I sat and he just stared at me. I busted out crying. Namjoon looked so scared. He hugged me. "What's wrong Minah why are you crying" I handed him my phone. He looked at the message and stood up. "Where are you going?" He looked at me and yelled "GROUP MEETING IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!" I looked at him he held out his hand for me to follow him. I took it and we walked to the living room.

Everyone was in the main room and they looked sleepy "Hyuunnngg I was sleeping. Whhhyyy" Jimin was whining to Joon. "Quit your shit and sit down" Rap Mon said. Jimin sat down quickly but his eyes were still closed.

Everyone looked at me and asked "why are you crying". I really didn't want to get them into this. They had to know. "When I was in America I met this dude he was fun and cool but i always kept my distance from him. He asked me out and I refused ever since then he's been messing with me. One time he tried to push himself on me but I ran away. I partially moved to Korea to get away from him but he found me and he said if I keep hanging with you something bad will happen" I started crying hard I had snot coming out my nose but I didn't care. I made new friends and now somebody wants to take them away.

Jimin pov

"GROUP MEETING IN THE LIVING ROOM NOW!" Who is yelling this early it's 2 and I need my beauty sleep. I had to be the one to wake up Yoongi because he won't tear me limb for limb. I walked in and he was knocked out.

"Yoongi hyung we have a group meeting" I shook him and man he was angry.

"Jimin why the hell are you waking me up at 2 in the morning. You better have a good explanation."

Oh dear God don't let Yoongi hyung kill me . "Rap Mon hyung called a group meeting"

He looked pissed he got up and gave me a death glare. I think he was burning holes in my forehead.

We walked out of the room still half asleep."Hyuunnngg I was sleeping. Whhhyyy" I whined I'm so sleepy and I was having a good dream ;D. "Quit your shit and sit down" Joonie was sounded scary. I finally open my eyes and see Minah with tears in her eyes. WHO MADE HER CRY! Everyone walked in finally.

"Why are you crying" we said in unison. She took a deep breath. "When I was in America I met this dude he was fun and cool but i always kept my distance from him. He asked me out and I refused ever since then he's been messing with me. One time he tried to push himself on me but I ran away. I partially moved to Korea to get away from him but he found me and he said if I keep hanging with you something bad will happen" she started bawling after.

My heart was broken I looked at Yoongi and he had the same face I did. Yoongi beat me to comforting her. Punk. She hugged Yoongi and put her face in the crook of his neck. I saw a little smirk coming upon his face while staring at me.

He wants to challenge me. Let the games begin.

Minah pov

Someone ran over and gave me a hug and rocked back and forth. It was Suga. I hugged him so much tighter and put my head in the crook of his neck. "What's his name" he looked concerned for me. " D-D-Dalton W-Williams." I just get scared mentioning his name. "Everyone over here" called rap mon. Suga looked at me for an 'you ok look' I gave him the 'ok look' and we walked over there.

Rap Mon came up with shifts. They take shifts to watch me. If I want to go somewhere I have to tell someone where I'm going and someone has to come with.

I finally calmed down but nobody wanted to leave me alone so J-Hope started dancing and Jimin joined in. They were dancing to 'Mister'(KARA). Soon I forgot about what just happened and started dancing. It became a marathon

We got tired and fell asleep around 4am

I fell asleep right between Jimin and Suga.


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