Chapter 10: Boys In Luv

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A/N: Jungkook is Minah's best friend, Namjoon is Minah's brother they're friends but they act like brother and sister. Yoongi and Jimin like Minah and maybe someone else... but I can't tell you just yet. The rest are friends. Sometimes I'm just to lazy to write about those parts

Minah pov

I woke up and saw jungkookie was still asleep. Man he sleeps hard he could sleep through an earthquake. "Kookie wake up" I shook him as hard as I could. He groaned and put a pillow over his ears. "Minahh five more minutes pleasee!" He gave me a pleading look and pouted. "Fine" I started cooking breakfast for the both of us.

Fifteen minutes later: "jungkook if you don't get your ass up. I will kill you in your sleep tomorrow." I've been fighting with him for ten minutes. Finally I got him up which was like the hardest thing ever.

"Whoa Minah do you sleep like that every night? You look good" I looked at my pjs. SHORT shorts, and a see through tank top that showed off my bra. I got angry and slapped the back of his head. "Don't think like that, you perv" gosh "You can't be mad at me. I'm a growing man with raging hormones, and your outfit is revealing." Ugh why "Jungkook if you don't stop staring so help me i will make you miss all of your father days" he thought about what I said then gasped "you wouldn't dare" he looked at me "Try me"he ran into the kitchen and I pounced on him, and easily he turned the tables. Why is he so strong. "Haha who is winning now" I tried to push him off but he was not giving up easily.

"Hey Minah do you kn- " we stopped fighting and looked at the door. "Hey Jimin what are you doing here" I asked still pinned down. This looks pretty bad. "Um I was going to ask you where was Jungkook was but, I will leave you guys doing whatever you were" he looked confused a little and left. Well that was awkward. Jungkook and I got up and he left. I got ready for training today.

Training was hell. We had hours of dance practice and singing practice. I've never been so dead in my life. I would pass by one of the boys every once in a while but rarely.

"Minah! Do the dance properly!" I've been messing up a lot in dance class, I know im a dancer I should be doing it right. I just keep messing up. We did it again and I finally got it right. "Five minute break everyone" I went to the corner and sat thinking. Why am I messing up so much? I know the steps. I ruffled my hair in frustration. "Hey don't get down on yourself. Just keep trying and you'll get it." Who is talking to me? I look up and see a girl with green eyes. Her eyes were pretty "Hi, I'm Kwon Jiyeon" "Hi I'm Choi Minah nice to meet you" I shook her hand. "I already know who you are. There is buzz about a really good dancer named Minah" I laughed "Thanks but I'm honestly not showing it" she smiled "Can we become friends" I pretend to think about it for a little. "Nah I'm good..." her face darkened "just kidding I would love to become friends Jiyeon" we exchanged numbers and decided we have to hang out soon then went back to dancing.

We finished dance practice and had an hour break before the next thing. I was walking and I saw a familiar face. I made my way over towards him

"Hey about this morning. It's not what it looked like I promise" I waved my hands in the air and shaking my head along. "Don't worry Jungkook already explained everything" I sighed in relief thank you jungkook. "I'm sorry for running off on you. I was confused about my feelings toward you." I exhaled. "I figured out that I have feelings for you. I have feelings for one of my closest friends" I looked down waiting for Jimin to say something. "Really, you like me?" I nodded but never made eye contact. "REALLY, Then will you like to be my girlfriend" I thought about and shook my head "No I would love to." He got SUPER happy and hugged me tight I hugged him back and he gave me a kiss. "You just made my day complete Minah Thank you" he looked at me and left.

I completed the first day of training and boy was I tired. I was so happy about Jimin I had to tell jungkook. I texted him

Me: Jungkookie come over please.

Jungkook: Why are you always asking me to come over?

Me: Because you're my best friend duh. Please come over

Jungkook: Fine let me shower and I'll be over in a while.

Me: K let yourself in

I decided to take a shower too while I was waiting. I turned on some music, and hopped in the shower. The first song was 'Into the new world' I sang along then 'I need a girl' came on. I thought about Jimin and I smiled to myself. I was finished showering but i needed my clothes, i wrapped the towel around me and walked into my room. I was singing while walking into my dark room.

"Girl I need a gi-Ahhhhhh"

I turned on the light and saw Jungkook sitting on my bed. "What are you doing in my room" I turned off my music and looked around. "You told me to let myself in" he looked over at me and smiled. "So are you just going to stand there or put clothes on. I don't mind you like this though" I looked down and all I had was a towel. He always catches me at my worst moments. "Jungkook do you want to have kids?" "Yeah" "Well you're pretty close to ruining that chance. Now close your eyes or leave while I change. If you opened them I will beat you up" he nodded and closed his eyes. I quickly changed because I don't trust his little perverted butt. "Ok you can open them. Are you sleeping in here again?" He said yes and we laid down on my bed.

Jungkook pov

I like these times with Minah where we just lay in her bed and talk. I like watching her get all embarrassed when I told her about her pjs. We became really good friends after the plane. We need to hang out more. "So what are we talking about tonight." She looked up at the ceiling and looked at me. "Guess what happened today" so we're going to play the guessing game yayy (sarcasm) "um I don't know tell me" she sat up and shook me "I made a friend and Jimin is my boyfriend" she followed my advice. "Well good for you"I said with a hint of sarcasm on my voice. She is dating the player Jimin. Oh this isn't going to work. I turned my body and tried to go to sleep when Minah shook me. "Is my Jungkookie mad" I have no reason to be mad. "No training was tiring so let's go to sleep ok" maybe I was a little upset but not a lot. "One more thing, I need to find a job will you go with me?" "Sure now let's sleep".

Yoongi pov

Everyone except Jungkook walked into the dorm tired and sleepy but Jimin looked different. He looked tired but he was smiling really hard like it hurt. "Um Jimin you alright there? You look kinda crazy" I asked everyone muttered an agreement of some sort but walked off because they didn't seem to care.. "Well today I sas Minah at BigHit." We all see her there, let's stop stating the obvious. "I confessed to her last night, so today I asked her if she would be my girlfriend and she said" the more he spoke the more I wish I hadn't asked him that question. She surely won't say yes right? "YES" I looked at Jimin in shock. I felt my blood boiling more in more. I walked into my room grabbed my headphones and was heading for the door. I turned and looked at Jimin he gave me a look saying 'i win'. I slammed the door and walked away from there. I had to get away from that place.

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