Chapter 21:

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All of the years he left mom and I. After all of that he came to Korea to see his daughter. If he can come to Korea to visit me, why not America. "Why are here" I put so much anger into my voice. "I just wanted to check up on my lovely daughter." There is a double meaning behind that. "You could have check up on your daughter when she was in America not in Korea. So tell me exactly why are you here!" I yelled at him. "Well I needed money, and I heard you became an idol-" "Wow you came all the way to Korea to ask your daughter for money" I laughed bitterly. "For once I thought 'maybe my dad would want to see me' but boy was I wrong. You just came for money." I grabbed my wallet and pulled out $1000. "Here, I don't ever want to see you again." I put on headphones and looked at the time. It was four-thirty. I ran as my feet could carry, I ran across the street not paying attention to the car coming straight for me.

The last thing I remember was a horn and one face came to my mind. "Bam Bam wait for me" then darkness came.

The thing about dying is you never know when it might happen. As for me, I thought that today was my day.

Jungkook pov

I ordered my coffee and sat down waiting for Minah to come. I know she will come right? She wouldn't choose Bam Bam after all that we have been through. I looked at the time 5:10. Minah is very bad at time management. She will be here any minute now. I tapped my foot waiting for her. I looked at the time again 5:30. Did she go to Bam Bam?

I walked out of the cafe with tears. Well if she didn't want me, now I know.

Ring ring

"Hello" "Hi are you Jeon Jungkook" "Yes, what is it?" "Choi Minah has been in a really bad car accident. Please come down as fast as you can." I thought about what he said and took off. The hospital was far away but I didn't care, I was going after the girl I love. I called rapmon "hello, jungkook why are you panting". "Hurry to the hospital. Minah is hurt"

I ran into the hospital looking for a nurse. "Choi Minah, Where is she?" She pointed to a doctor. "Currently Minah is in surgery, she had been hit to the side of her body and damaged some of her ribs. They were minor injuries. When she fell her head hit the pavement causing her to lose a lot of blood. The surgery was going well and should be done in a couple of hours." I sat down and put my hands onto my head.

"Jungkook" I heard Jimin but I didn't want them to see my tears. I felt him put his hand on my back to soothe me. "Jungkook are you ok" I looked up at him. "M-Minah is strong r-right? My voiced cracked. "She wouldn't leave us. We're her family so she wouldn't leave us right?" I looked at them for answers. I felt the tears come down my face. They gave me the sympathy look. "Right she'll be ok. Tell me she will, Yoongi, Jimin, J-Hope? Tae walked up to me and put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry Kookie, she will be just fine." I knew he was guessing but it made me feel a little better. Minah please don't quit on me, on your family, on us.

A couple of hours later the doctor came out. "The surgery had some complications. she will be out of it for a while but come back to visit her tomorrow. She should be awake by then"

I couldn't sleep tonight. Minah would never leave us. See told us we were her family. I need you Minah, I don't know what I would do without you. I got up and walked out of the apartment. I walked on the street aimlessly, I ran into a couple of people. They pushed me into a wall and beat me up. I didn't fight back, I couldn't, Minah wasn't with me.

I somehow made my way home and fell asleep. "Jungkook wake up we're going to visit Minah." I popped up really fast and took a shower.

"Excuse me, what room is Choi Minah" she looked in a book. "Room 127"

Minah pov

I heard a lot of sounds in my room. Ugh I hate when people interrupted my sleep. I opened my eyes and saw bright lights. "What happened. My body hurts really bad."

Jungkook pov

"What happened. My body hurts really bad."

She's awake! I hopped up. "Are you ok" I looked at her. "I'm doing just fine, now tell me why you're hear, and who is Jeon Jungkook?"

I was hoping that you won't forget about it, about us.

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