[ 1 ] The Mother of All Bad Days

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© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 1 ] The Mother of All Bad Days


Most people could handle a quick phone call with their mother. Quintessentially, I was not one of those people.

"I expect a lot from you." Her voice echoed through my poorly furnished apartment, even through the phone.

My mother was one of those people that knew to push all the right buttons when she needed to. Angel Blaine had never failed, and never would. Even after I had moved out almost three years prior, she still had a hold on me.

"I know, mom," I muttered.

"I'm being serious, sweetheart," she coddled. I rolled my eyes as I pushed my tablet across the dark grey kitchen counter. She knew how much I hated that word.

"So am I," I huffed. My words came out forced, and she knew.

"Scarlett!" She shrieked, the sound inadvertently making me pull the phone away.

My ears were still ringing when I moved to place the phone next to my ear once again. "Mom." I sighed, absentmindedly brushing my long blonde hair out with my fingers. "Everything is fine. I'm as serious as I've ever been."

"Well you're visiting, aren't you?" She asked again, indicating just how impatient she was.

I could feel my eyebrows knitting together. For the life of me, I had no clue what she was talking about. But to be honest, I hadn't been paying attention. "For what?"

"Ugh," she groaned. "To meet your step dad and brothers! They've been dying to meet you!"

"Future, step dad and step brothers, mom." I corrected without skipping a beat. "You guys haven't gotten married yet."

"But we will!" The mere sound of her voice sent a shiver down my spine. I could never say the right thing. Not with her, anyways.

College had been a breeze for the last three years, and it had gotten me away from her. I had an all new life, one that was completely my own. Yeah, maybe my living space and grades weren't the best, but it was mine.

During my time away, however, my mother had passed the time by finding a new man.

How their story went, I couldn't remember. The portion of how they met, had something to do with the fruit section at the grocery story. I'm sure my mother was reaching for a pineapple, she loves those, and knocked it over. Her fiancé must have picked it up for her. Which I'm sure, was adorable. To her, anyways.

"Hayden said he sent you a friend request on Facebook," my mother trailed on.

Hayden Pennington, my illustrious and soon to be step brother. He was the younger of the two, both of which I hadn't met yet. He had apparently been trying to make an effort with me, but I couldn't have cared less. I didn't need a brother, let alone two.

"Do you want me to give you his number? I think I wrote it down," she suggested. I could hear her pen scratching against something in the background. For as long as I could remember, my mother wrote things down on tables. Which, was a horrible habit considering we always rented furniture.

"Stop writing on the table," I ordered. I could make out a short line of cuss words before the pen was slammed down against the table. "But I never got a request from Hayden, and I don't need his number."

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