[ 14 ] It Wasn't Illegal, I'll Tell You That Much

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Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #507 in Chick Lit

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© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 14 ] It Wasn't Illegal, I'll Tell You That Much


After the day we'd had, it was almost predictable that Hayden would have whisked me away to a secluded rooftop.

"I hate them," Hayden murmured as he ran his hands over his face. "I didn't always, but now I can barely look at them."

Hayden reached down, picking up a single bottle of beer from the six pack he'd taken from the bar downstairs. He'd apparently had an in with the bartender.

"The guys?" I asked, smiling slightly as Hayden glanced back at me.

"Yeah," he sighed before throwing his head back. "I don't know how I was ever friends with them."

I watched him, taking notice as the sun hit his face. Hayden looked different up here, now that we were away from everything. He seemed troubled, which he usually hid when we were anywhere else. I was starting to think that there was a different side to him that only I ever got a chance to see.

"What happened?" I asked, leaning back in my chair.

The chair squeaked slightly as I shifted from side to side, trying to find a comfortable spot. The chairs themselves were practically falling apart, I was almost scared to move for fear that it would break right under me.

"What do you mean?" Hayden took a small sip of his beer, the man raising his eyebrows at me.

I shrugged, tapping my finger against my own bottle, "with the guys. What did they do to piss you off so badly?"

Hayden simply laughed, "nothing that concerns you."

"Come on, Hayden," I whined. I kicked my foot out in his direction, knocking his beer back into his waiting hand.

"Why do you even want to know, anyways?" Hayden smiled, shaking his head at me.

"Curiosity," I shrugged once more. "And the fact that I'm dating one of the three people you claim to hate so much."

Hayden pursed his lips together in thought before falling back into his chair next to mine. He leaned back, resting his feet against the ledge and brushing them against my own as he did so. It was an oddly intimate moment, enough so that Hayden felt the need to clear his throat.

"It wasn't anything illegal, so don't go using the 'I'm dating Zane' card as bait to get me to talk," Hayden smiled. "Zane's a stand up guy most of the time, and you guys seem to work together. You don't need to worry about what happened."

"Then why do you worry about it?" I ventured, narrowing my eyes in on him. "Why is it so big that you can't even go to school in New York?"

"Because I don't want to see them everyday," Hayden huffed in aggravation. "Plus, my mom's up there with her new husband."

I could feel my eyes widening in surprise.

"She's married?"

Hayden nodded, "she got married around a year ago. Nearly six months after the divorce was final."

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