[ 26 - Hayden ] Not Your Caliber

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Sorry this chapter took so long!!
Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #44 in Chick Lit and we hit 15k! That's absolutely incredible!!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 26 - Hayden ] Not Your Caliber


Scarlett Blaine had a hold on me like no one else ever had before. It was no surprise that I looked like a loner sitting at an empty bar as I awaited her arrival.

"Can I get you anything else, sir?" The bartender cut into my depressing thoughts with a caring smile. He looked to be all of sixteen, but he'd been nice enough, and it wasn't like I was going to tell on him.

I tossed the last of my fries back into the basket, "yeah. Another round."

He nodded before rushing off through the doors kitchen doors once more. If Scarlett didn't get here soon with the food, I'd be all filled up on French fries and my liquor of choice.

Staring solemnly into my now empty glass of bourbon, all I could think about was that stupid smile I would get on my face when I saw her again. I was whipped, and there was no getting around that.

Our date had been life changing, if I could even put it that way, and I knew Scarlett had thought the same thing. We'd been practically inseparable since that night, much to the dismay of our Brady Bunch like family.

Needless to say, I'd gotten quite a few glares and side-eyes from Wren over the last forty-eight hours.

As for the rest of the family, Jay was oblivious as always, but of course mommy and daddy had to put in their two cents on the matter. It's not like Scarlett and I had come clean about anything, or having feelings for each other for that matter, but no one was about to drop it until they got to the bottom of things.

Like that would ever happen.

"Is she still out there?" I recognized that nervous laughter anywhere, and I hated to say I almost expected it.

I'd asked Scarlett to meet me at some dive bar on the edge of town. Seeing those two idiots here wasn't exactly shocking.

"She didn't see us," Axel laughed as he patted Eddy on the back reassuringly. "I think we're in the clear."

The two stumbled up to the far edge of the bar near the open door, sliding themselves onto the barstools there after. Eddy rested his chin against the cool wood as he waited for the man behind the bar to take his order.

"Hayden," he spoke up, his eyes widening at the sight of me. "What are you doing here?"

Every fiber of my being wanted to walk right out of here without answering either of them.

My phone buzzed in my pocket, buying me a small out as a text from Scarlett popped up on my lock screen.

I hate to do this, but I ran into Zane and he's getting way too suspicious. See you at home?

"God damn it, Scar," I muttered under my breath. She'd singlehandedly gotten me into the worst situation of my life.

I will not take the blame for being the one to pick out the dive bar.

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