[ 3 ] Family's Are Full of Secrets

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© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 3 ] Family's Are Full of Secrets


My things fit perfectly into my new room. Not that I had much compared to my two brothers. While I had assumed my life had been lived to the fullest, I'd obviously never met the Pennington's; or seen their house, for that matter.

"It's right here," Hayden motioned despite the large box in his hands. I glanced to the side, noticing the many trophies adorning the wall in the room next to mine. "Jay's a show off, but at least he keeps those in his room."

"You're telling me," I muttered as we continued to walk down the long hallway.

The interior of the house was just as amazing as the exterior. All across the house, was a white and gold tile that I hadn't seen any where else. The walls were adorned with the same shade of white, and the trim around the doors was a light gold color. Each door, was a dark brown, one that accented the white and gold perfectly.

Hayden kicked open the door to a dimly lit room next to Jay's. Brushing his head against the wall, he was able to flick on the light. It was then that I realized just how rich these people were.

"This was one of the guest rooms. But dad said you could have the bed and everything in it. You can replace a few things, if you want. I know you have a desk shoved into the back of your car," Hayden rambled. He tossed the box he was holding onto the elevated bed.

I'd never had a bed frame in my apartment. I'd always just left the mattress on the floor.

"This was one of the guest rooms?" I gawked as I spun around, taking in the space.

The room was small compared to the others, but it was more than big enough for me. There was a set of black drawers lining the wall next to the door. Above that, hung a silver rimed mirror.

A mirror in which Hayden absentmindedly checked himself out in. I'm sure he didn't think I was watching.

The bed was sitting on top of a white fur rug, and the bed was pushed up against a black headboard. There was a white fur blanket hanging off the end of the bed to match the carpet, and a black paining hung in the wall above.

A chandelier was hanging from the ceiling, one that didn't match the rest of the house. Actually, nothing about this room matched the rest of the house. There was even a weirdly placed ladder set up against the wall where Hayden was standing. Where it led, I wouldn't know.

Hayden simply nodded before he let his hand rest on the ladder. "My dad had his designer come in and redo the room for you." I nodded, the statement clicking with my thoughts. "Your mom told me you liked purple and black, so that's why there's black and purple everywhere. The designer kept asking me what you liked and I didn't know what to say-"

"You helped?" I interrupted him. I could feel my face scrunching up as I set my book, diary, on the drawers. Without missing a moment, I turned around to face him.

"Yeah," he laughed. "I figured that if you were going to keep coming around from time to time, you might as well have a good place to crash. Jay and I do, at least. I didn't know you'd be staying here all summer, though."

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