[ 7 ] The Douche-Bag's Fedora

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Remember to check out The Buddies Rule!

Also - tagged by labratsfan333444 , this chapter includes the body image movement to the best of my ability. Basically, how people shouldn't treat other people, and how everyone should be confident in their own bodies.

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #533 in Chick Lit


© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 7 ] The Douche-Bag's Fedora


One thing I really hadn't planned on, was been clubbing with my soon to be step brother. But since I had no control over his attendance, I was really only worried about Wren hooking up with Hayden.

"That line is pretty long," Hayden sighed. The man pushed his hands deep into his pockets as we made our way towards the door.

"It usually is on weekends," I said. "Asteroids is basically the only club with a low percentage of douchebags." Hayden quickly pressed his lips together to keep from laughing. "But the line is moving," I sighed.

As we reached the end of the line, Hayden leaned in just a bit to keep our conversation private. "I don't think those guys got the memo," Hayden pointed to the group ahead of us.

Standing just in front of us were at least five guys who probably went to a college out of town. They looked starstruck, even though this was a low level club compared to the others in Beverly Hills. There wouldn't be any celebrity sightings tonight, or any night, here at Asteroids.

But the whole small town look they had going on, wasn't what drew your attention to these guys. It was the fact that they were wearing sunglasses at night, and the scarfs around their necks weren't too in fashion, either. But not only was their attire off by a mile, the conversation they were having needed to be been kept at a lower volume.

"She's an eight," one hooted as he fell back against the wall.

"No! She's totally a six!" Another fought back.

"Well, at least she's got a good rack on her."

These guys were already hammered.

"Could they be any more obnoxious?" Hayden groaned quietly at my side.

"Hey!" One of the taller boys called as he noticed Hayden and I stepping into line. "What's your name, hottie?" He slurred, leaning back against the sleek metal wall a ways away from his friend.

The boy in front of me now stood about four feet away from us, but even from that distance, I could smell his hideous cologne. He was wearing a navy blue fedora with a little feather pined to the left side, and his curly blonde hair was sticking out in random places. He wore a grey scarf that weirdly matched his black v-neck shirt. His jeans were all too tight, and his shoes were slipping off his feet.

I rolled my eyes and turned my attention to Hayden.

"I thought the douche levels were low here," Hayden whispered with a smirk.

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