[ 33 ] I Appreciated The Sentiment

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© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 33 ] I Appreciated The Sentiment


For most people, seeing their best friend off before their seemingly permanent move would be heartfelt, or even sad. But for me, it was just another Tuesday.

"Call me when you get there," my mother ordered sternly, narrowing her eyes in on both Wren and Jay.

Wren was the type of person who never landed anywhere for too long, though Beverly Hills would always be her home.

She'd be back, I knew she would.

"Any words of wisdom, Scar?" Wren teased before tossing her arms loosely around me.

I hugged her back, "not this time, Wren."

"Well you're no fun," she pouted, taking a step back from me. The girl looked around at the main entrance, taking in all that the Pennington Mansion had to offer one last time.

"You'll be back," I interrupted her moment of silence.

Wren merely nodded, "there are always holidays."

Jay laughed off her comment, taking the initiative in hugging both my mother and I briskly. The quiet man retreated over the threshold, grabbing onto Wren's hand when he did.

"Love you guys," Jay practically tossed the phrase over his shoulder. The happy couple closed the door behind them, leaving my mother and I alone for the first time in what felt like months.

Sending a small smile in my mother's direction, I started making my way towards the large staircase.

"Scarlett," my mother huffed. The woman sounded exhausted, but I didn't blame her. It had been quite the trek back from the winery over the weekend, and even still, the last two days since returning home hadn't been that easy.

Family meant a whole other thing to Elias than it had to my mother. He had assured me that regardless our lack of previous interaction, he would be there whenever he was needed by me.

I'm sure he was giving Hayden the same speech over their few days back in Pennsylvania. The two were currently clearing things up with the Dean of U-Pen. Even Axel, Eddy and Zane had shown up to give a formal apology in person.

Or at least that's what Hayden said. It was the first decent thing the three had done in a long time.

"Yes?" I finally spoke, turning to face her.

She smiled gently, nodding off towards the 'sitting room', as Elias had called it. "Could we chat for a second?"

The woman stalked off in the direction of the sitting room, taking a look over the vast amount of furniture it had to offer.

Deciding on the nearest setting, the woman gestured towards the large grey couch for me to sit.

Silently, I trailed after her, taking a seat in one of the many rooms I hadn't found much use for over the last few months.

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