[ 21 ] I'll Be Good

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Highest rank on the hot list over the last week and a half - #119 in Chick Lit! That's the highest ranking I've ever gotten!

There'll be a sneak peek up on the site in a bit!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 21 ] I'll Be Good


I had only been to Las Vegas one other time in my life, and strangely enough, Wren accompanied me on both trips.

"We'll be downstairs playing blackjack for a bit," Elias reassured with a kidding smile. "We can meet up for dinner after your spa day?"

"Yes," my mother cooed lovingly. The woman hugged his arm, giving him the brightest smile I'd ever seen. All while I had to fight through the smoke cloud someone had decided to blow into my face. "I'd love to try that steak restaurant down the strip."

"You read my mind," Elias smiled.

"You know," Hayden whispered as he let his hand rest over the small of my back. "You can always ditch the spa and come play poker with us."

"I'd rather not," I smiled snidely back up at him, attempting to shake his hold as I did. "Poker seems lame."

This only made Hayden place his hand on my hip, "I'm sure it does. But you don't really seem like the spa type."

"Sure I am," I tried once more. "I love facials."

"Well, if you love the spa so much, I could always just give you a personal back massage upstairs later. Free of charge."

I shook my head readily, "no thank you."

I charged ahead, leaving Hayden in the dust as I caught up with Wren and Jay. The first floor of the hotel was littered with gamblers and smokers. It was a feat in itself just to get to the front desk.

"Welcome to the Hard Rock," the receptionist greeted, allowing for Elias and my mother to step forward.

I leaned back against the long desk that trailed from one end of the hotel to the other, looking around the vast lobby as I did.

Wren did the same, letting her purse swing back and forth before falling against her legs.

"Fancy meeting you here," she offered, popping her eyebrows up and down teasingly. "What are your plans for this lovely evening?"

I shrugged, pulling out my phone in an attempt to avoid her questioning. She had made it perfectly clear that our fight would go on as long as I saw her an unsuitable girlfriend for Jay, and clearly, I still felt that way.

I frowned as I saw the three missed calls from Zane. He had been needed in New York for the weekend, otherwise, he'd be here with me.

"Trouble in paradise?" Wren offered. "Jay and I haven't had those little long distance problems just yet. We still won't if I decide to move to San Francisco with him."

"What?" I sighed, turning to look at her. "Wren, we've still got another year of college left at CU."

"I know," Wren shrugged. "But it's not like massage therapy is hard. I can always learn hands on. Besides, why do you care anyways?"

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