[ 22 ] There Will Be Consequences

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Highest rank on the hot list over the last week and a half - #105 in Chick Lit! That's the best ranking I've ever gotten so far!

There'll be a sneak peek up on the site on Friday! That's also when I'll be launching the summer version of my site!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 22 ] There Will Be Consequences


I usually wasn't one to simply sit back and watch the time tick away, but tonight, I couldn't find a way to stop myself.

Twenty-four hours ago, Hayden kissed me, and we had to stop ourselves from doing anything more than just that. He stayed with me after, wrapping his strong arms around my waist in just the way that made me blush and yet left me wanting him closer.

I still couldn't understand exactly how it happened, or why, but I knew I wanted it to happen again. The only thing that put a damper on our plans was our trip home that morning. I'd been avoiding Hayden ever since.

I was even staying at Wren's to insure that there would be no awkward nightly encounters.

I pursed my lips together as the clock struck three-thirty in the morning, this leaving me a few more hours of restless sleep before needing to meet my mother for my next bridesmaid fitting. To say I wasn't looking forward to it would be an understatement.

"Can you stop moving for even a second?" Wren groaned into her pillow. I could feel her tugging at the covers with all her might before falling back into the mattress in defeat. "I need my beauty sleep."

"Sorry, Wren," I mumbled. "I can go sleep on the couch?"

I could feel Wren shaking her head against the pillow, "I sleep better with someone next to me. Even if you can't stop tossing and turning. What's going on with you anyways?" She rambled on, her voice barely muffled by the pillow.

"Just go back to sleep, Wren," I laughed quietly. "It's nothing I can't handle."

"But I'm up now," she whispered, the girl flipping onto her back as she spoke. "I actually very invested in whatever's keeping you up at night, Scar."

I smiled, rolling my eyes at her. "It's not important enough."

"Oh please," Wren scoffed before slapping my back. "Talk to me? I though we made up at the spa?"

It was true, Wren and I had decided to put aside our differences for the moment, and to get along for the wedding to be. I didn't entirely mind our truce, but even if we were on the best of terms, I would still feel weird talking to her about this.

"Come on," she whined again. "Tell me!"


"Scarlett Blaine," she held her stern tone. "Tell me what the hell is bothering you, or so help me, I will kick you out of this house-"

"I kissed someone," I finally said. I let the silence consume us as Wren thought over my words.

"Someone who isn't Zane," she nodded along. "Who was it?"

"No one," I insisted. "But-"

"Did you feel something?" She pried. "Like, more than you feel when Zane kisses you?"

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