[ 30 ] I Think Your Mom Has A Thing For Me

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© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 30 ] I Think Your Mom Has A Thing For Me


After all the hype, you'd think we'd all be ready for a day like tomorrow. When in reality, we were no where near ready for my mother and Elias' wedding.

"Where is my veil!" My mother shrieked. The woman began tossing t-shirts and dresses out of her bag feverishly, unable to slow herself as she struggled to find the one thing she thought she'd need tomorrow morning.

"It's here!" Wren called from the bathroom of my mother's large bridal suite.

Wren rushed back out into the main area, giving me a glare as she strode past me to hand my mother her veil. Apparently, I hadn't helped enough.

A few months ago, when I had first heard my mother was remarrying, I had thought we would be able to handle all that came with her new husband and his family. I though we would be able to take on the day without issue.

I hadn't factored my mother into the equation when I had pictured how calmly the following day would go.

"Do you need your dress for tonight?" I offered, standing from my spot on the edge of the bed.

My mother merely shook her head, "Wren had it ironed and hung it up in the bathroom already."

"Can I get you anything else, then?" I sighed weakly, crossing my arms over my chest. I was still exhausted from the days prior, and my mother's panic attack wasn't helping any.

"I'll be fine dear," she waved her hand absentmindedly in my direction. "Why don't you head downstairs and greet everyone? I'm sure the guests would appreciate a familiar face."

"I can do that," I said, turning and walking off towards the door just as my mother scurried off into the bathroom to change.

The rehearsal dinner would be a splash if Angel Blaine and Wren Manny had anything to do with it.

"Wait up," Wren hushed, following me out into the hallway.

She closed the door soundly, taking a deep breath as she did. My best friend actually looked stressed out, for probably the first time since I had known her.

Something was off.

"What's wrong?" I tried.

Wren's breathing quickened along with her hand movements. She was fidgeting as if her life depended on it.

"I need to tell you something," she sputtered out all too quickly, nearly cutting herself off. "I mean, I should have told you directly before, which I kind of did, but I didn't exactly-"

"Wren," I placed a hand on either of her shoulders. "What's wrong?"

She smiled gently my way, almost as if she was bracing me for the worst news yet.

"You know how I kind of mentioned moving to San Francisco with Jay?" She started off, fumbling with her fingers as she spoke. "I'll be moving in with him when we get back from the wedding. He's got training, and it's just the right time-"

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