[ 17 ] I'll Take That As A Compliment

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Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #222 in Chick Lit

There's a sneak peek at chapter 18 up on the site now! It's linked on my profile!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 17 ] I'll Take That As A Compliment


Out of all the mistakes I had made throughout my life, last night had to have been the biggest.

Despite my best efforts, my mind refused to shut off a replay of my moment with Hayden from the night before; and although I felt entirely wracked with guilt over what happened, I couldn't shake this spark that ran over my body anytime I thought over the almost kiss.

Not only had I almost kissed my soon to be step brother, the man that had gone from the vain of my existence to my best friend in a few short weeks, but Wren had somehow called the unexplainable connection brewing between us.

I was surprised I hadn't pulled out all my hair. Especially with my mother's unexpected phone call this morning.

"You should have gotten up by now," she scolded. "What time did you even get in last night?"

"Sometime around nine." I sighed, setting the phone down on the desk near the mirror. I picked up my brush, leaving my phone on the lowest volume in hopes that she wouldn't wake the whole house after I'd put her on speaker. "But we didn't eat until ten or eleven."

"Mary just seems very irresponsible," the woman huffed on the other end of the line. I could hear her playing with the coffee maker that she still had yet to figure out in the Pennington Mansion.

The only way I had figured out how to use it was with Hayden's help.

"Click the green button after you put the coffee grounds in," I tried. I narrowed my eyes in on the space between the door and the doorframe. I had left my door cracked open last night, but now, someone else was up and walking around. "It should start after that."

"That's what Elias said," she muttered. "But don't worry about me, how was last night after you finally got to the Hampton's?"

"Fine," I replied all too quickly.

I could practically hear her scoff on the other side of the phone. "What could be wrong in a place like that?"

"Nothing," I shook my head. "I just didn't expect Wren and Jay to be here."

"Well Hayden's there," my mother reasoned. "You two have been getting pretty close lately."

"Yeah," I sighed. "But it'll be okay. I'll be home tomorrow night, anyways."

"Well tell me what's wrong-" I quit listening to my mother once Wren popped her head in the room.

"Hey," Wren mused. She widened her eyes a bit as she caught sight of my phone. "Oh, hi Angel."

"Is that Wren?" My mother asked. "Hi, darling."

"I need to go, mom. I'll talk with you later," I cut her short before hanging up the phone.

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