[ 31 ] Color Me Pink

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Sorry this chapter took so long!!
Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #19 in Chick Lit and we hit 43k!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 31 ] Color Me Pink


Waking up the morning of my mother's wedding had been hard enough. But having to tune her out as she droned on and on about the wedding itself, was a feat even I couldn't fathom.

"The second I tried on this dress, I knew it was the one." The woman spun around once more, looking herself over in the mirror. This, causing Wren to have to take a step back from her in the process.

Finally, my mother settled back into one place.

"You're going to look amazing, Angel." Wren gushed as she stretched out the long train on my mother's dress.

"This will be the best day," she nodded back. "Elias is going to be my husband."

I sat alone in the corner of the large room near the balcony, propping my feet up on the edge of the desk as I looked out over the vineyard. I could see the many workers all preparing for the long day ahead.

Though as I watched, it seemed like even the workers knew how particular my mother was. Even from where I was sitting, it looked as if they didn't want to mess a single thing up.

Towards the farthest end of the beautiful walkway, was a large fountain where the ceremony would be taking place. A long light pink fabric was being placed down the middle to act as the isle, and chairs were being set up on either side. Every three feet or so, a standing bouquet matching those of our bridesmaids flours had been placed on either side of the isle.

The entire setup was gorgeous, and that was saying a lot considering my mother had planned the entire event.

"Scarlett," my mother said, pulling me from my daze. "I asked you to put on your dress nearly ten minutes ago."

I nodded, standing from my once comfortable seat before rearranging my robe.

"I was making sure everything looked okay downstairs," I tried, knowing my mother wouldn't buy it. "It looks lovely."

"No time for excuses now," she waved me off towards the bathroom. "Your dress is hanging on the door. Find it and slip it on. Wren and I are already dressed."

I turned away, making my way towards the opposite end of the bridal suite my mother had reserved. Out of all of us, she had the biggest room. Not that I had expected anything less.

Just as I turned into the bathroom, a knock sounded on the door.

After peeking through and seeing Hayden standing on the other side, I opened the door and quietly walked out into the hallway.

"Is this what you get to wear for the ceremony?" Hayden mocked my short robe. The light pink fabric stopped halfway down my thighs. "I'm not complaining, but as an equal rights activist I do think I should be allowed to wear a robe."

"I couldn't agree more," I smiled back up at him.

Without warning, Hayden took my hand and pulled me around the corner, stopping and resting me back against the wall. He quickly pressed a kiss to either one of my cheeks before brushing his lips against my own.

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