[ 28 ] Bad Timing

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I've posted an alternate version of this chapter on my blog! If you guys want more SR today, go check it out!

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #27 in Chick Lit and we hit 26k!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 28 ] Bad Timing


After the long day of traveling it had taken to get to my mother's chosen wedding venue, all I wanted to do was fall back onto the bed and sleep.

Hayden had other ideas.

"You want me to help you unpack?" He suggested with a smirk as he closed the door behind him.

He walked slowly across the room, setting my bag on the ground below the bed before he settled himself next to me.

"I think I've got it covered." I reassured before turning over to face him. "Besides, everyone's already got an eye on us. If you spend too much time in here-"

"Then they'll keep thinking whatever they want," Hayden shut me down. "They've made up their minds about us, Blaine. There's no point in trying to change their minds now by spending less time together."

Hayden wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him, my hands landing on his chest for support with his sudden movements.

"So I'll ask again: do you need help unpacking?" He whispered before gently pressing a kissing to my cheek.

I rolled my eyes at him, "no, Hayden. I think I've got it."

"Good," he breathed. "I didn't want to waste time unpacking."

Hayden flipped me over, managing to help me steady myself as I placed my knees on either side of him. He leaned up, pulling me down as he did before roughly pressing his lips against my own.

My hands bunched up his shirt while his fingers dug into the now exposed skin on my hips, my own shirt riding up with the unexpected kiss.

I threaded my fingers through his hair, pulling him closer before Hayden managed to push his body flush against my own. His lips tasted of the mint gum I'd given him earlier, and it made it all the more satisfying.

Hayden ripped himself away from me for only a second as he pulled my jacket off my shoulders and tossed it into the floor. His lips were back on my own before I could register where my jacket had landed.

He flipped us over a second time, Hayden now hovering over me as the kiss slowed in pace; each of us taking our time as we fell deeper and deeper into the kiss.

The only thing on my mind was Hayden Pennington, and I knew in this moment, I was the only thing on his.

I jumped away from him as the loud knocking at the door abruptly pulled me out of the kiss. Hayden quickly threw himself over me and off the bed, the man landing safely on his feet to the side of where I was sitting.

"I'll be in the closet," he mumbled before he dashed around the edge of the bed.

I bit my lip to keep from laughing, watching as he slid the door closed, closing himself inside.

The knocking sounded again as I hoped up off the bed, and once I finally had gotten to the door, the voices on the opposite side told me exactly who was here.

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