[ 34 ] She's The Reason I Left New York

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Something Real

[ Chapter 34 ] She's The Reason I Left New York


At the start of the summer, Zane Mirada had oozed the potential to become my real relationship.

Though now, even I knew that was far fetched.

"I'm sorry for leaving so abruptly at the wedding," Zane issued as I took my seat, passing a small box across the table. "Elias thought it would be best if-"

"If you got the hell out of town?" I laughed. "He was right."

Zane nodded, instead choosing to keep quiet as an awkwardness loomed over us.

Looking at the man across from me, I could tell why I had been so blinded just a few months ago. There was an obvious attraction between the two of us, and if things had ended well between he and Hayden, we just might have worked.

But these were different times, and Zane did betray a friend; one that now meant the world to me.

"I'm sorry," I caved, sitting up a bit in my chair. "I don't know how to talk to you now."

Zane gave me a weak smile, "I know. I should have been honest with you from the start."

"None of you wanted to be," I countered. "Hayden wanted to keep what happened to himself, and it wasn't like Axel and Eddy were beating down the door to explain things."

Zane continued to keep his composure despite my words.

"I don't blame you for keeping it from me," I finally said.

"But things have changed because of what happened," Zane assumed, moving right along in our tense conversation. "And strangely enough, I don't blame you either, Scarlett. I was upset at first when you pulled away from me, but I think you're better off for it."

He paused there, taking notice of the waitress as she made her way over to us. Though even she could cut the tension with the pen she was holding, she knew not to overstep.

She merely took our orders and left without another word.

"I'm almost scared to open this," I sighed, tapping my fingers against the silver box on the table. It was no longer than two inches, and stretched out to make a perfect square.

The only thing that it could possibly be was jewelry, or at least that's what I could come up with.

"Don't be," Zane shook his head. "It's a peace offering, one that you should wait to open until we hash out other details."

"Like what?"

Zane pushed his lips into a thin line, taking in a deep breath as he did.

"When Axel, Eddy and I came clean to UPenn, we only expected them to pardon Hayden; take it off his record and move on. We never thought they would ask him to come back."

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