[ 16 ] In The Heat Of The Moment

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© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 16 ] In The Heat Of The Moment


My mother, being as overly prepared as she was, had forced me to pack an overnight bag.

Now, arriving in the Hampton's well after eight at night, I was happy I had listened to her.

"You can go home any time you want," Hayden reminded me. The man continued to swing his bag back and forth as we walked up to the front door of the lavish house. "I'll even go back with you."

Turns out, the restaurant that Mary-Anne had picked out for our dinner, was in the Hampton's. Though a two hour plane ride seemed like nothing to her, I thought it a bit far to go for a meal.

She didn't seem to think so. But thankfully, she was ordering in.

"It's no big deal, Hayden." I said, laughing at how uneasy he was.

In all the different situations that I'd seen Hayden in, he had only exuded confidence. He walked around as if he owned the earth itself. This was yet another new side to the supposed bad-boy that I was now getting to see.

"I wanted to get out of the city, anyways," I sighed. "Wren's acting like a real bit-"

"Bitch? I think you mentioned that on the plane," he finished for me. "How about we nix the gossip sessions for this vacation, and get down to the real business at hand."

"And just what would that be?"

Hayden gave me a suggestive smirk as he stopped in front of me, standing just below the steps that would take us up into the house. "Are we sharing a room, or what?"

I rolled my eyes and launched my bag in his direction, making sure to hit him in the stomach as hard as I could.

He gasped playfully, sending me yet another smirk before he strode up the steps ahead of me. "No harm in trying."

This house was unlike anything I'd ever seen before, and though this was my first trip to the Hampton's, I already knew this was a highly esteemed property.

I could tell by the nearly three stories and the beach that followed just below the back of the house that this place was unique. The driveway was nearly as long as the Pennington's Mansion in Beverly Hills, and the stairs seemed to match that of the Pennington Mansion, as well.

Assuming that Hayden and Jay's parents had purchased this before their divorce, Elias had a very expensive taste.

"My mom got this in the divorce," Hayden said, reading my mind. "She loves the beach more than anything."

"Is this where you took that picture of her?" I asked, glancing around the side of the house and towards the beach. From what I could remember of that picture hanging in Hayden's room back home, it seemed to match that of the beach here in New York.

The sand stretched out from the back of the house to the blue ocean. Even in the dark of the night, I knew this beach was far more beautiful than any in California.

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