[ 32 ] Dearly Beloved

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© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 32 ] Dearly Beloved


Finding my first real love had been the goal of my summer, and now that I had it, I wasn't sure what to do about it.

But one thing was for sure, there was no way in hell I was letting my mother and Elias in on the happenings of these last few weeks.

"You were the last one to see me before the party, Scarlett," Elias started, turning his attention to me. "Axel also mentioned he spoke with you about finding Hayden."

I fumbled with the fabric of my dress awkwardly, keeping my gaze focused in on the wall behind Elias, "yes."

"And you knew what they were coming to me about?" He continued, crossing his arms over his chest. The white material of his shirt stretched a bit with his movement, making it abundantly clear that my mother had ordered him a snug fitting size, just like she had for Hayden and Jay.

I had neglected to admit how utterly attractive Hayden looked in his groomsmen getup.

"Not until after they spoke with you," I shook my head at myself. "I mean, Zane told me a little while ago, but I honestly didn't think-"

"That they would tell the truth?" My mother cut me off, narrowing her eyes in on me. "Scarlett! How could you not tell us about this!"

I took a deep breath, ignoring my mother for a mere second as I fell back into the couch in between Hayden and Wren. Jay had managed to balance himself on the arm rest of the lavish furniture next to Wren.

But despite the vast amount of people in this room, my mother and Elias only seemed to care what I had to add to the conversation. They were currently ignoring the ticking time bomb that was the wedding of the century.

Dearly beloved, it seems I've been brought here today to tell a story.

"It wasn't my place to tell," I sighed, running my fingers through my slightly frizzy hair. "Zane only just told me a week or two ago. I broke up with him right after, and I didn't think he would do anything to make it right."

"Besides," Hayden stepped in, quite literally taking a stand as he rose from his seat on the couch. "It was my problem. So don't go after Scarlett for this one, because I told you time and time again that it wasn't my fault, dad."

"And I didn't believe you," Elias scoffed, probably at himself. "I trusted Axel, Eddy and Zane with everything; only to find out just what kind of people they are."

"They screwed us all over," Hayden corrected, waving a hand back in my direction. "Zane fooled Scarlett for half the summer."

"I'm sorry, sweetheart," my mother coddled, racing forward as quickly as she could in that ginormous dress to pull me into a hug. "But why didn't you tell us?"

I kept quiet, only wrapping my own arms around my mother's lace clad neck to appease her. There were no more questions I felt were worth answering. Elias and my mother had gotten all that they needed from Axel, Eddy and Zane.

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