[ Extra ] Scarlett

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Something New

[ Chapter 2 ] You Kiss Like Your Mother

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9 Months

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Sitting here, looking at the man breaking down beside me, it was hard to believe I had ever looked at him any other way.

"You can say it." His voice was gruff and his breath reeked of the hard alcohol he and the others had put away earlier in the night. "I know she broke me."

The silence encased us, which was a rare occurrence to put it mildly. Never, not once, had Axel Reynolds been at a loss for words. His usual class and undeniable charm had faded further with every shot he had downed in the hours prior to the ride I had given him to get here.

Now, a man who was merely a shell of himself sat on the couch beside me, elbows resting on his knees and head in his hands.

Knowing Axel first as the man that had messed up my now step-brother's chances of graduating college, and as the man that had made more than a few passes at me, I had been less than eager to learn that I would be staying at one of his many rentals while attending NYU these last two semesters.

Don't judge a book by it's cover had never resonated with me so greatly.

From Axel showing me all that New York had to offer to him helping me pick a major, I couldn't deny the sparks that flew between us. It was only when he met Josie Hartman that our time spent together became fewer and further between.

The two's attraction could be felt by anyone within a ten mile radius. From that night forward, Axel had been denying his feelings for Josie, right along with Zane and anyone else with eyes.

The tall red head commanded a room, not only with her looks but with her confidence. Despite losing her job towards the latter part of the year before, she had held her head high enough for Axel to pick her out of the crowd. Now, the two acting as best friends worked side by side on any and every endeavor; Josie was his assistant and had been more than helpful in gaining Axel's promotion to head of the company next year.

She even acted as his wingmen and had gotten him laid more times than anyone could count. Though the nights they spent apart were only becoming more painful by the day according to Axel.

It felt like I didn't stand a chance when compared to her.

Even still, anytime I spent with our resident play-boy, he made me feel as if I was the only one in the room. Though I couldn't shake the name that was Hayden Pennington from my mind or heart, it felt as if Axel might be able to help me get through the next four to five Hayden-less years.

"She didn't break you," I offered. He neglected to say anything, keeping his eyes shut as he rubbed his temples. I could tell the after effects of the rum were currently turning his mind to stone in the most painful of ways.

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