[ 5 ] Breakfast of Champions

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Remember to check out The Buddies Rule after this!!

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #161 in Chick Lit

And so begins the longest chapter yet...


© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 5 ] Breakfast of Champions


One thing that had always confused me was how much rich people loved brunch. But I had a feeling that I was about to get a crash course in the matter.

"Did you get a chance to meet Jensen?" Elias raged on. Throughout the car ride to the hotel, he had been asking who all my mother had gotten a chance to meet. Needless to say, she had met them all.

"I did!" My mother cooed as she stroked Elias' arm. "He was lovely. His wife and I made plans to have the families go sailing next weekend!" She added in.

I could feel my mood drop sufficiently with her words. "Families?" I repeated.

My mother nodded, "yes, dear. The Jensen's invited us all onto their boat this coming Saturday. We're going."

I could hear the urgency in the tone of my mother's voice. For some reason, she needed this, and it looked I wasn't going to get out of it.

"Okay," I shook my head as I fell back into my seat. I almost hit Hayden in the process. He sitting directly in between Jay and I in the back of the 'town car', or whatever Elias had called it.

A smirk began to play out on Hayden's face as he continually scrolled through his phone. He had a habit of doing that when we were all together.

"What's the smirk for?" I whispered dryly as I attempted to sneak a peek at whatever he was doing on his phone.

Hayden rolled his eyes and pushed his phone into his pocket. "It's quite cute," he began. Hayden lazily turned to look at me, all while placing his hand on my knee. "You do whatever your mom asks. You're afraid to fight back."

I frowned before reached out and removing his hand from my knee. "It's not cute," I whispered. "And I'm not afraid fight back. I just know that if I do, it won't be long until I'm looking for another place to call home. So I have to play nice."

"We could always sneak you into my room," Hayden mused with a suggestive smile. "Mommy and daddy won't even have to know."

"I thought your room was off limits," I shot back with my own smirk.

Hayden shook his head, "if it's your only option, I'll allow it."

I held back a laugh as the driver pulled up in front of the hotel. The Pennington-Blaine family had a business brunch planned at this five star hotel. Elias and my mother had made it perfectly clear that we were all to be on our best behavior.

Our parents slipped out of the car first, followed by Jay who practically tackled us to get out next. I could vaguely hear him mumble something about the men's room.

"Ladies first," Hayden motioned politely. I shook my head and stumbled around the seats until I arrived at the sliding door of the car.

Standing outside the car holding the door, was one of the people I had thought I'd left behind. My eyes widened as I fell back into an empty seat, gawking at the twenty four year old valet worker.

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