[ 6 ] Wear Something Slutty

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Remember to check out The Buddies Rule!! It was just updated as well!

Guys! We over exceeded the goal!!! I'm so happy! And, as promised, I have news to share! Please read the A/N which has been posted along with this chapter!

Also, I'm 19??? Where did my life go 😱

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #493 in Chick Lit


© 2016 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 6 ] Wear Something Slutty


After the day that the Pennington-Blaine family had endured, I was exhausted. But that didn't mean I was ready for bed. Especially under my mother's new rules.

"Go to sleep, Scarlett," my mother sighed. The woman rested her head against the door frame, all while sending me a look that told me exactly what I needed to know. She wasn't ready to fight tonight.

This obviously made tonight different than any other night.

"I'll go to bed, mom," I said, giving her a nod.

"Good," she smiled. "Sleep well, Scarlett," she finished before stepping out and shutting the door behind her.

It was barely ten-thirty, there was no way I was falling asleep now.

My mother had always been strict, but since moving into the Pennington house, she had only gotten worse. She was more frantic, more worried, and all together more uptight than she had ever been in the past. It was quite exhausting for me, considering I'd barely seen her since leaving for college.

I shook my head and rolled onto my side, pulling over the book that I hadn't allowed Hayden to bring in just two days ago. This book, was the journal my mother had sent to me about a month before when she'd first told me about Elias. She wanted me to have something to write down my feelings in. I really hated it, in a way.

But I was antsy for some unknown reason, and I got the feeling that I needed to write.

Flipping to a clean page, I started.

Entry 27.

I'm never been good at this sort of thing, but I need to do something at this hour. It's not like I can leave the house.

These few days with the Pennington's have been far different than anything I've ever encountered. Not only have I been forced to live the life of a billionaire alongside my mother and new family, but I haven't had a moment alone for what seemed like ages.

Hayden has been glued to my side since the moment I moved in.

I haven't even spoken to my friends from college. They don't even know that I've moved out of my apartment. They barely knew how I did on my finals.

The most unexpected part of it all, you might ask - was Hayden Pennington.

The very second we met, I felt this burning hatred for him. He seemed to have that rich kid, bad boy persona, down to a t. But over the last few days, I've come to the conclusion that it's just an act.

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