[ 25 ] So Inappropriate

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Congrats and thanks on The Buddies Rule/ I Liked You Better On YouTube's win in the 2017 Prose Awards!

Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #56 in Chick Lit! WHAT?!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks to @writerkate22 for her character Antonia! Although she's only mentioned in this chapter, she will be making an appearance soon!

There'll be a sneak peek up on the site on Friday!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 25 ] So Inappropriate


Some would wake up the morning after an amazing date with a smile on their face; for me however, it was just another Friday morning.

When I woke up, the sun was blinding me and all I could smell was Hayden's cologne on the gray shirt I had taken from him the night before. I could hear him snoring behind me, and I hated to admit it was one of the cuter things I had learned about him within the last twenty four hours.

I stretched, slowly opening up my eyes as I did to the bright sunlight that pooled into the master bedroom through the large windows that overlooked the ocean. Hayden's left arm was hanging lazily across my waist, holding me in place in the case that I got up before him.

My eyes narrowed in on the bedside table as my phone began lighting up repeatedly with missed message after missed message. Warily, I reached out, trying not to disturb Hayden before I clasped my fingers around my phone.

Every single phone call and text message was from my mother. Apparently, I was late for the cake tasting.

So was Hayden.

"God damn it," I groaned before springing up off the bed.

Hayden stirred behind me, his eye lids slowly opening with the harsh light in the room. "What's wrong? I thought we had a nice time."

"We're late," I sighed, crawling around on the floor in an attempt to find my right shoe. "My mom scheduled a cake tasting-"

"Shit!" Hayden hissed, the man flying off the bed there after.

"I know," I laughed as I watched him stumble over to the small chair in the corner or the room. "I'm sorry we have to cut this short."

"What? The morning after routine?" Hayden teased with a smirk in my direction. "Nothing too scandalous happened last night, Blaine. Other than a short make out and you falling asleep in my shirt."

"Yeah," I smiled, bunching up a bit of the gray fabric at the mention. "I get to keep this, by the way. It's comfy."

"And it looks ten times better on you," Hayden offered. He took careful steps over to me, he still seemed a bit tipsy after last night. "But I will need something to wear out of here, Blaine."

I rolled my eyes and tugged the shirt over the top of my head, tossing it to him.

I frowned as I glanced around the room for my dress, feeling utterly exposed after giving Hayden his shirt back. I could feel something brush up against my leg, only to find Hayden had handed me my wrinkled dress.

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