[ 19 ] Do Be On Your Best Behavior

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Highest rank on the hot list over the last two weeks - #314 in Chick Lit

There will be a sneak peek at chapter 20 up on the site later today or early tomorrow!


© 2017 Shay Spencer. All rights reserved.

Something Real

[ Chapter 19 ] Do Be On Your Best Behavior


I had looked myself over in the mirror at least twenty times since slipping into the dress, and yet, somehow, the result was always the same. Hayden had managed to pick a dress that accented my body perfectly.

"Scarlett," my mother started as she waltzed into my room. The woman closed the door behind herself, making her way into the room before she noticed what I was wearing. "I don't remember that dress."

"You shouldn't," I agreed. "Hayden picked it out for me."

Her eyes lit up with the mention of Hayden.

"How thoughtful of him," she cooed. She reached up, resting her chin in her hand as she looked me over absentmindedly.

One of her favorite pastimes had always been fixing my appearance in some way, shape or form; so watching as she merely sat back thinking, was puzzling to say the least.

"Is there something wrong with it?" I tried, smoothing out the dress near the hemline.

My mother quickly shook her head, "of course not. You look stunning in the dress. It's just..."

Angel Blaine had never, not once, left a sentence unfinished. She had an opinion about anything and everything, and she always said what was on her mind.

"What's wrong?" Her face scrunched up in concern.

"Elias had a talk with Hayden about his time away with their mother. It didn't seem to go well, and I remember our conversation on the phone ended very abruptly. I was just wondering what exactly happened while you were in the Hampton's."

I gave her a gentle smile, leaning back against the chest of drawers as I did.

"Nothing happened, mom," I reassured. "Hayden's just uncomfortable around Zane and his friends. I'm sure that was what he was upset about."

"Well what had made you upset?" She pried further, looking to get to the bottom of what happened.

"I was surprised Wren and Jay were there," I sighed halfheartedly. "The way Hayden was talking, I had expected it to only be his mother and the two of us."

"And you would have been okay with that?" She asked, the disgust evident in the tone of her voice. "Trust me, Scarlett, I have all the love in the world for Hayden, but a whole weekend with both he, and his mother? I would have run away, myself."

"Hayden wasn't the problem, mom," I spoke all too quickly. She narrowed her eyes in on me, watching my every move. "He and his mother were lovely the whole-"

"Just tell me the truth Scarlett," she practically hissed. "What did Hayden do?"

"Like I said before," I stood up straighter, looking to take a stand for both myself and Hayden. "Nothing, happened."

She rose a single eyebrow in discontent with my answer, but reluctantly, she let it go.

"Okay," she forced a smile in my direction. "Elias and I will be taking his car to the restaurant. You can drive yourself, or catch a ride with Hayden or Jay. Wren will also be joining us."

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