Inner demons

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authors note: if your an anxious person like me be forewarned this one talks about phobias. I admit some of these I actually do fear myself.

Answer me this what is your hell?

We all have different ones to tell.

In yours are you trapped all alone?

In hers is she stripped to the bone?

Does his plane fall while in flight?

She's lost in darkness without light.

Dogs chase them on an endless loop.

He's shot in the back on his stoop.

This one fears a crippling disease,

and that one never finds his keys.

She's forced into a world of spiders,

her neighbor in ice barely endures.

He's alive while on his funeral pyre. 

They're on a ladder that only goes higher.

She's kicked over a hive of bees.

They are crushed by falling trees.

Fears that lurk inside your head,

hell can be on Earth instead.

Find your forgiveness while you can,

inner demons don't leave if you ran.

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