Little boy blue

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The boy sat on the bench alone,

tried to hide the tears that shone,

though a women saw him cry,

couldn't help but wonder why.

With slight hesitation she sat down,

her gentle smile met with a frown.

She felt she wasn't wanted here,

in his eye a lingering tear.

The silence was broken, 

softly word were spoken,

" oh little boy blue 

what do they call you?"

He whispered "who I am or my name?"

confused she asked "but aren't they the same?"

"one your given when new to the Earth,

the others tell of a persons worth."

"Is that why you cry?" she struggled to speak.

Nodding he had said "they called me a freak,

so many times it seems true,

after all I have been through."

Hugging him she cried,

"The others they have lied.

That's not who you are not to me,

an injured soul is what I see." 

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