Part 44

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*Warning, this chapter may be short but I did try!! I swear!!! I tried!!!!!!! Enjoy*

Sakura stared at the man, while Mamoru and Hotaru growled standing before her, "Sakura-hime please run", Sakura looked over to Mamoru concern slightly in her eyes.

"Sakura-hime, you need to go now"


"Now" Hotaru growled when Takeshi stepped forward.

"Little Sakura wants to stay so let her stay boys, she is your master" He said getting closer ignoring the growls and glares.

Sakura looked at Takeshi, he really hadn't changed from when she last seen him, except the only thing that did possibly change was how much taller than her he is and the length of his hair. His hair was red with some light grey highlights that fell to the middle of his back and was tied, his bitch black eyes that had the deepest pits of hell promising the slightest touches of horror and fear, eyes that could see deep into any soul and draw out their worst fears and dreams, he had pearl white teeth with some fangs in the front that bite into his victims body drinking the life from them.

"Sakura" she felt her spine tingle slightly from the deepness in his voice, "Sakura" again, she looked into her pit less eyes and felt her breath catch in the back of her throat, "Sakura", why was hell not there this time, "Sakura" it was deeper and rougher, felt like a throaty groan to her ears, "Sakura come" she felt her legs start to move, as she got a little past Mamoru and Hotaru she felt them grab her arms and pull her back.

"No Sakura-him" Hotaru looked into her eyes and lifted her face, "It's not safe you need to go now"



"Come" Sakura looked back to Takeshi and shivered before she went limp in Mamoru's arms, the last thing she saw was Takeshi smiling at her, his fangs pressing into his bottom lip, eyes shinning and hair flowing lightly.

Sakura looked around and found herself in a field and looked down at herself, she was small, she felt like she was 5.

"Sakura!" Sakura turned around and saw a beautiful lady walking to her smiling, she had long dark pink hair that flowed behind her nearly touching the ground, her beautiful ruby red eyes shined as she looked at the little 5 year old girl before her, she was wearing a pure white kimono that had a pink sash that held it close. "Sakura love, what are you doing?"

"I wanted to play" Sakura could hear herself speak with out even thinking, she had no control now, everything was happening like it had happened once already. It felt like a memory to her, "Can we play mommy?"

'Mom?' Sakura looked at the woman and wanted to cry, this beautiful woman is her mother.

"No sweat heart, we need to see daddy before we leave, daddy is a very busy man"

'Dad?', Sakura squealed and laughed as the lady lifted her up, "Daddy!!"

Sakura watched as the scenery changed slowly, she went from being in a field to a forest to walking down a dark cave with her mom, she wasn't afraid of the painful groans and whimpering that was echoing and vibrating off the walls, instead she smiling and looked at all the dark and small crevices while going deeper and deeper into the cave, soon they were going down. Sakura looked up at her mom and started to adore the lady, she was standing straight and tall, no traces of any fear or uncertainty of where and what she was doing, when they had reached the bottom, the floor flared up in flames and the walls have lava dripping out, when everything had cleared and set there was a clear stone path that whirled going down some more, Sakura skipped going ahead of her mother with a smile and a little hum.

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