The New Girl in School 17

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Sakura started to stretch and move, then an arm wrapped around her waistand she turned her head and saw Tobi laying behind her. She couldnt really tell if he was asleep or awak but she had a feel that he might be asleep since his chest was going up and down slowly, she smiled and turned her body around and started smoothing his hair back. When Tobi started to stretch a little Sakura smiled, "Good morning."

"Good morning Saku-chan, did Saku-chan sleep well?" Tobi asked sitting up a bit in bed.

Sakura smiled and sat up too, "Yeah, I did, how about you Tobi, did you sleep well?"

Tobi nodded his head and held Sakura's arm, "Tobi slept good, but Tobi wnats to know how Saku-chan is." Tobi said turning his head to Sakura.

Sakura nodded her head, "I'm fine Tobi. What time is it?"

Tobi looked to the clock that was on the desk to the side and looked back to Sakura, "7:40 am, why does Saku-chan want to know?"

"I'm just hoping that you and the rest of the guys go to school today, I can be alone for a few hours." Sakura said looking to the tv.

"We just worry." Sakura looked to the door and saw the rest of the guys.

She smiled, "Well worry at school, really, dont let your grades faulter because of me."

Pein walked up to her bed and touched her arm, "Are you sure you'll be alright?"

Sakura laughed, "Yes Pein, I'll be fine."

Pein sighed and nodded his head, "Alright, we'll go to school today, just give us a call if you want any of us back here, alright?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah now get going already before you miss first class." Sakura waved to them as they left. Sakura sighed and turned back to the tv, she changed the channel and stayed when 'Crimnal Minds' came on.

*2 Hours later*

Sakura was sitting in her bed still watching tv and drawing on paper that the nurse got for her, but was inturpted when she heard the door open. She looked up accpecting to see the nurse but didnt and saw a man with grey hair in a pony tail and round wire glasses step in and close the door slowly behind him. He looked up at her and smiled, Sakura felt a shiver course through her body, she pushed the feeling away and smiled, she thought that he was a man nurse or doctor and said, "Hi, I'm fine, I dont need anything."

"You dont need anything? Are you sure Miss.Haruno?"

Sakura felt as though as she knew the man but couldnt remember who he was so she pushed it aside and answered the mans question(s). "Yes thank yo-"

"What about that voice in your head, are you saying you dont want help to get rid of it?"

Sakura tensed up and starred at him, 'How in the hell does he know about the voice?'

"Well Miss.Haruno, do you not want any help?"

"How do you know about the voice?"

As the man smiled Sakura felt the pain in her head come back in full force, she winced and held her head still trying to look at the man before her. As he kept getting closer the pain only would increase. When he was right by the bed Sakura moved away from him and bent forward, "My lord and I can help you, take my hand  and I can help you."

Sakura looked up and decided to go, she took his hand and everything went black.

*30 minutes later with Sakura*

Sakura started waking up, she laying on a couch, she looked to her right and saw a man with long black hair, he was sickly pale and his eyes looked like snakes. She looked to the mans right and saw the man from before and she looked back to the one sitting down and her head started hurting, she groaned and bent forward holding back the tears, the pain was to much and she started getting annoyed. When she felt someones hand on her shoulder she jumped and looked to see the man with long black hair standing by her.

"Sit up child." Sakura obeyed and sat up looking into his eyes squinting feeling a tear slip down her cheek, the pain sky rocketed when she felt his cold hand touch her forhead. She wanted to do nothing more than to slap his hand away from her and run from them, for some reason when she was with them her head would hurt way to much.

"W-who are y-you?" Sakura said knowing her voice was breaking.

"I'm Orochimaru, this his Kabuto."

"What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to help you." Orochimaru said standing up, Kabuto walked to her and picked her up bridal style and followed behind his master.

Sakura closed her eyes and just put her faith in the two.

*With the Akatsuki*

"What is Sakura doing now, Un?" Deidara asked as he was sitting under the tree at lunch.

"What if she tried to get up and fell over and hit her head and no one comes till much later and its to late?" Sasori said looking down.

"Maybe we should go back and be with her, fuck school, we are in our damn 20's! We dont need to be here damnit!" Hidan yelled punching the tree thinking about his cherry blossom.

"Calm down, Sakura said she will be fine, we old her we will leave her till the end of school so we need to wait till the last bell of the day." Pein said monotone hiding the fact that he wanted nothing more than to run to the hosptial and be by her side and talk to her, be with her, hold her, and protect her.

"Tobi hopes Saku-chan doesnt get taken from hospital by someone and does something to Saku-chan." Tobi said making the rest of the Akatsuki tense up and imagine their cherry-chan being taken and hurt.

Pein took a raged breathe and stood up slowly and turned his back to the rest, "We will see her safe at the hosptial after classes." Pein walked to P.E with the rest of the guys following silently.

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