The New Girl in School16

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Sakura was laying in bed while the Akatsuki was around her watching her. When she started to move around the Akatsuki came closer to her, when she opened her eyes and saw them standing around her she smiled at them and sat up. "Hi guys."

"How you feeling?" Itachi asked looking her over.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, so what are you guys doing, chillin out?"

"We want to make sure you were alright." Kakazu said, look her over, he stepped back when Tobi pushed through, Tobi jumped onto the bed and laid by Sakura putting his head in her lap. Sakura smiled and patted his head and said, ''You alright Tobi? What's wrong?"

"Tobi was worried about Saku-chan, is Saku-chan okay?"

Sakura Tobi and rubbed his head and nodded her head, "Yes Tobi, I'm fine, don't worry about me."

The Akatsuki looked at Sakura closely and sighed know she would try and cover up anything that was hurting so that they wouldn't worry.

Tobi nodded his head then said, "Guess what Saku-chan, Tobi gets to stay with Saku-chan for the night and the rest of the day!"

Sakura laughed and looked to Pein, "Sorry, he was freaking out and the only way to calm him down was to let him stay here with you."

"Its alright, I like being with Tobi, he's really sweat and kind." She said looking back to Tobi who was nodding his head to her. She laughed and patted his head. She looked back to the guys and asked, "So what are you guys doing tonight?"



"Count money"


"Make sculpture"

"Make puppets"

"Do paper work"

"I might drink to"

Sakura smiled and laughed, "Well me and Tobi will be here, probably watching tv, and hanging out."

Sakura looked to the window, "Did any one else come to see me while I was asleep?"

The Akatsuki looked at her and sighed inwardly, "No, no one came by, why, is there some one you wanted to see?" Kisame asked.

The Akatsuki's breath got caught in their throats as the waited for Sakura's reply. Sakura looked to them, her eyes wide, she shook her head, waving her hands, "No, I was just wondering is all." She looked around at them and saw a little glint of anger in their eyes, Well except for Tobi. "Is something wrong, you all look a little mad."

They all flinch a little and shook their heads, "We're worried about you, un."

Sakura smiled and shook her head, "You guys will be worrying a lot then, cause I'm one reckless chick." She said with a smile.

The Akatsuki laughed remembering the past, "Yeah, you sure are Sakura." Sasori said.

"Well we should get going, we'll see you tomorrow Sakura. And if Tobi bothers you and you started getting annoyed with him, give us a call and we'll switch him out, alright?"

Sakura smiled and shook her head, "Alright I will, but Tobi is such a good boy, there's nothing to worry about." Sakura said smiling rubbing Tobi's head.

"Alright but call us if you need anything." Kakazu said walking looking back to Sakura.

Sakura nodded her head, "Alright, now go home and rest, you guys look like you guys need it."

The Akatsuki left the room, leaving Sakura and Tobi alone. When they were totally alone Tobi wrapped his arms around Sakura's waist rubbing his head on her leg, "Saku-chan, you aren't going to call them to get rid of Tobi are you?"

Sakura looked to Tobi and looked a little sad and shook her head, "No Tobi, I want you to stop here with me, I want you here."

Sakura watched as Tobi relaxed and she grabbed the remote and turned the tv on. She was flipping through the channels and stopped when 'Law and order:Special victims unit's came on. She put the remote down and watched as she rubbed Tobi's head. "Tobi, are you hungry?"

Tobi tilted his head up and looked up at her, " Yeah, is Saku-chan hungry too?"

Sakura nodded her head, "Yeah, I'm going to call and see if they can bring some food."

She grabbed the phone and dialed the number and asked for food to be bring to her room. She hung up and continued watching tv. When the food came she gave half to Tobi and are the other half. It was around 9:48pm when Tobi looked up and saw that Sakura had fallen asleep. Tobi turned the tv down and slid her down so she was laying down on the bed. He got into the bed right by her and pulled her close to him. As he continued watching tv he would look back at Sakura because she would tighten her grip on his shirt. He would then wrap his arms around her body and pull her closer to him and kiss her head and tell her that everything was okay and that she didn't have to worry. Shane she relaxed and would released his grip on her and continued to watch tv. But what Tobi didn't notice was the eyes that were looking in from the window.


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