The New Girl in School 24

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Sakura stared wide eyed as she looked into the dark onyx eyes of Madara Uchiha, she felt his hands gripping her wrists as his body was was pushing hers to the wall.

"Do you hear me Sakura? Your mine."

"Madara..." Sakura whispered, as his grip tightened around her wrists she flinched, "Madara let go of my wrists, please, your hurting me."

Madara looked at her face and loosened his grip, he moved his hands to her shoulders and pulled her to him, her head hit his hard chest. Sakura's eyes widened and she tensed up a bit,she was surprised with how Madara was acting, yeah sure he would hug her, wrap his arms around her waist at times when their alone, lean on her when they sat on the couch, lay his head down on her lap and wrap his arms around her waist to bring her closer but for him to tell her she's his and then pull her to his hard, warm, nice chest was something new and different. After a minute she relaxed and leaned into his baody starting to enjoy the feel of the heat and the comfortableness of leaning on him.

Madara smiled and lifted her and brung her to the bed, he laid her down and laid down by her dragging her closer to him, he felt her wrap an arm around her and her breathing relax. He looked at her and smiled, she was sleeping, cuddling up to his chest, he heard her moan a little and push closer to him. when she groan she turned to her side and pushed back to him and found warmth and a small smile crawled across her face. Madara looked down at her and pulled her closer to him, wrapping his arms around her waist, she maoned and grabbed his hands. Madara smiled and cuddled into her loving how her body was being pushed to his, how all her curves melted into his body, loved how she embraced his hold and didnt push away. She excepted him for him, she didnt care about his name, Uchiha, she cared about him personally, he smiled remembering the time when they met and he got sent out on a mission and when he came back he had a huge gash on his stomache and she was yelling at him for being cocky and not paying attention and then she hit his head telling him that if he thought that next time he would mess around and come home and she'll just drop what shes doing to heal him he was wrong. She wasnt affect by thing looks, yeah she blushed from time to time and hide the lust but she didnt let those emotions take control, she kept them in line. He liked that about her, all the guys have tried so hard to get her into their beds and have their way with her, but she told them clearly that if any of them try to have sex with her or do anything that she doesnt like she will be willing to cut off their dicks and offer them to Jashin to give them to people that can actually use them. Of course Hidan jumped up and ran to her and hugged her telling her he loves her already. God she was perfect for all of them in little peices. She had a little of all of them in her that they liked about her, he fell asleep thinking about what it would be like if she belonged to him alone.

*With the rest of the Akatsuki*

"Why does Saku-chan want Shiki and NeNe in the Akatsuki?" Tobi asked holding his knees to his chest.

"Because we're her friends."-Shiki

"We were the only two in the whole village that were nice to her."-NeNe

"That cared about her."-Shiki

"That protected her from the devils."-NeNe

The Akatsuki starred at the two, annoyed, "Well she doesnt need you two any fucking more so you two can go fuck yourselfes." Hidan said standing in front of them.

"Some miss their nap?" Shiki said yawning walking past him to the single couch.

"The fuck you say to me?" Hidan growled out to Shiki.

"Hearing problem old man?" NeNe said walking to the chair that was by Shiki.

Hidan growled and ran at the two, "Stop Hidan, you hurt them and Sakura is going to kick your ass." Hidan turned and saw Pein standing in the door way of the living room and the hall to his office, he stood there with his arms crossed.

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