The New Girl in School(AkatsukiXSakura)19

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Sakura was curled up in a ball, crying, her memories were flooding back into her mind.

*Sakura's Memories*

Sakura was with the Akatsuki, but Pein sent her on a lone mission because every one else was out on missions. Sakura had to deliver a scroll and then kill a person that stole a scroll from them. Well when she had finished her mission Orochimaru and Kabuto and been going through the forest because they could sense her chakra and after they heard that Sakura had become more powerful and had joined the Akatsuki and nearly killed Tsunade to prove that she had become stronger Orochimaru wanted her.

Well anyways back to the point, in the forest Sakura bumped into them, Orochimaru asked her at first and when she refused to go with him, he tried to be nice for once and reason with her. Then Sakura shoock her head and Orochimaru looked into her eyes and sighed. "Sakura, I can help with bring back the memories you lost."

Sakura's eyes widened, Sakura had always known that she had forgot about something in her past but was never able to uncover them. She hestitated but then nodded her head and followed them.

Once they were back Orochimaru lead Sakura to his office, Kabuto left them and then came back with a cup of water and a bowl of water with a towel by it on a tray. Sakura raised her eyebrow and shrugged her shoulders and looked back to Orochimaru. "How are you going to help me get my memories back?"

Orochimaru stood up and walked to stand in front of her. "Like this" He raised his hand to her forehead and put his point and middle finger on it, she felt something moist then everything went black.

*In Sakura's lost memories*

Sakura was a 6 year old little girl, she was hiding in her parents closent when she saw ninjas with masks on run in after her parents, she watched as her parents tried to fight. But then in minutes she watched as her mothers throat was cut and then her father was stabbed and got punched. When the ninjas left Sakura ran out of the closent and went to her parents, she cried as she was on her knees holding their hands. Then she grabbed their weapons and ran out of her home and looked for the ninjas who killed her parents. As she was running around her clans village she saw tons of the ninjas killing her family, her people. She felt rage course through her veins and screamed as she ran at a ninja and stabbed in in the back in his left shoulder where his heart his. She started going around looking for more of the ninjas and any suvivors that where left of her clan. When she went to each house and saw that every one was dead and that all the masked ninja where gone. As she was standing in her house in front of her parents she fell to her knees and screamed out in bloody murder, she felt rage, sadness and lonliness course through her veins. When her voice was course and throat was soar, she curled up between her parents and fell asleep as tears still streaked her face.

In the morning time she got up and one by one dragged her clans to teh graveyard and barried them, then she burned her clans village to the ground. She turned around and started walking through the forest, she kept going even when she felt and saw blood in her toes and on the ground beneath her, in the fights against the ninjas she did get hurt badly, there was a lot of them and their was only one of her.

At one point she tripped and fell over a root and fell face first to the ground. She turned her body so that she was on her back, she looked up at the sky through the trees and starred at the stars, she got mad at the thought that she might die in the forest, she want every last one of the ninjas who killed her clan dead. She got up and wobbled/walked as far as she could only to trip again and fall unconcious.

When she woke up again she was in a warm bed in a big warm room. She sat up and saw a guy with silver/gray hair in a ponytail turned away from her doing something.When he did turn around he looked at her and smiled then walked to her. She looked up at the man and looked into his black eyes through his wire round glasses. Sakura was silent as she watched his every move. She stayed still as he bent down a little to be eye level with her, "Hello, I'm Kabuto, do you mind telling me your name?"

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